Val’s Toy Chest- Gift Guide Part 2- Star Wars
As we get closer to the end of 2017, one of the most anticipated films of the year will be hitting theaters this weekend. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is about to come out and […]
As we get closer to the end of 2017, one of the most anticipated films of the year will be hitting theaters this weekend. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is about to come out and […]
The past few weeks have been pretty insane here at the Planet with plenty of new product hitting the shelves. We recently received some brand new NECA items including the 12th series of their long-running […]
Star Wars is back with a brand new film due to hit by year’s end. To celebrate, Forbidden Planet will be having a sale this Friday to coincide with this year’s Force Friday event. All […]
After months and months of anticipation and in one case, over a year- Hot Toys has a bunch of cool new figures scheduled to drop within the next few weeks, with these toys most likely […]
Here on Earth we use games of both the card and video variety to distract ourselves from the misery of our daily existence. Logically, who wants to be an unemployed barber when you can be an attractive 60th level elf woman who rides a tiger? A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, however, life was different. Games in the Star Wars universe were utilized for a variety of purposes, such as degrading droids, stealing space ships or just shooting whining farmers with lasers from a robot piñata until they learn to chillax. […]
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