Line Review: Hot Toys
By Christopher Troy Allow, for a minute, a small rant. I’m a fairly big Scott Pilgrim fan. Like read all the books, own the blu-ray and game, big fan. I was really excited to hear […]
By Christopher Troy Allow, for a minute, a small rant. I’m a fairly big Scott Pilgrim fan. Like read all the books, own the blu-ray and game, big fan. I was really excited to hear […]
New TRON Legacy footage premiered at Comic-Con this morning!!! Pretty rad, huh? More footage was reportedly shown at the panel, but this represents what’s officially been released to the web. It’s enough, though, as there’s […]
It’s been a bit since The Daily Planet presented any news bytes on its most anticipated movie of 2010, so let’s check in and see what’s shaking! Empire Magazine’s new issue features, among other geeky […]
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