Kick-Ass Is Back To…Well, You Know
Dave Lizewski became the vigilante known as Kick-Ass. The bullied bumbling high schooler became the hero he always dreamed of being…sort of. I mean, for a little while until something would go really wrong and […]
Dave Lizewski became the vigilante known as Kick-Ass. The bullied bumbling high schooler became the hero he always dreamed of being…sort of. I mean, for a little while until something would go really wrong and […]
…is a Wednesday and it’s another GLORIOUS New Comic Day. Let’s take a gander at some of the highlights hitting the FP shelves. My top picks: Trillium, Catalyst Comix, Sidekicks
What a week for insanely violent comic madness. It’s as if Satan himself came up from hell and packed our shelves with his favorite stuff. Avatar publishing has been at the top of their gruesome […]
HEY! Comic Book day falls on my birthday this year! Yup, your ole’ Unkiedev will be turning an undisclosed number somewhere between twenty something and some combination of 30 and a few more. How to […]
The good news is I’m no longer being held prisoner by Mermen. The bad news is I’m now being held prisoner by Magma Monsters. See, I started tunneling out of my barnacled cell using a […]
It’s finally April 16th, and that means the release of the highly anticipated Kick-Ass flick in Amercian theaters. If you’re in or around Union Square today (it’s playing across the street from the store!!!) come […]
A few thoughts about Kick-Ass, which I saw last evening at a special showing that featured a Q&A with Messrs. Millar an Romita Jr. thanks to our friends at UGO. Brutal as all hell, funny […]
Marvel’s giving us a chance to peruse the first six pages of Mark Millar and Steve McNiven’s (both of Civil War fame) next project (due to release 3/3/10) here. This being a Millar book from […]
Over the weekend, grainy footage from the Kick-Ass and Iron Man 2 panels at SDCC wound up on the Internet. The Iron Man 2 footage, which was sweded by a couple of budding fanboys, showed […]
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