Kevin’s Desert Island Comics
Stranded without hope of rescue. Naught but your wits to keep you alive. Crushing boredom. Comics won’t much help with those first two, but here are the comics I would most want to have with […]
Stranded without hope of rescue. Naught but your wits to keep you alive. Crushing boredom. Comics won’t much help with those first two, but here are the comics I would most want to have with […]
The following originally ran in the Weekly Planet 8/1/18. DC loves its Elseworlds. It thrives on having separate universes where the rules are different. Earth-2, alternate histories, a Justice League in the Old West… There […]
Swear to Glob that’s probably the unintentional dirtiest title attached to an article of mine to date. In case you somehow missed the news yesterday, New York Comic Con 2013 tickets go on sale tomorrow […]
Before I get into “This Week in Matt Fraction Comics” (stalkingmattfraction.tumblr.com), let’s take a quick look into two of DC’s digital-first offerings – Batman ’66 and Injustice: God Amongst Us. Both these books are INSANE, […]
Whelp! I was going to talk about all the new “Pacific Rim” swag we currently have in at FPNYC, but it seems that Jeff beat me to the punch. In his defense, I probably shouldn’t […]
Happy Cinco De Mayo FPNYC Faithful! I’m am currently sitting inside typing this up on a gorgeous day, so do me a solid and swing by the shop and by something during your tequila-fueled rampages! […]
Hey FPNYC Faithful, let’s see what kind of neat stuff we got in this wee- ::: Checks out shelves :: ::: Bangs head against wall repeatedly ::: Don’t get me wrong y’all. I like talking […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers