Witch Doctor #0
The new Image title Witch Doctor dropped this week as the flip side of Walking Dead #85. So after reading the Walking Dead (which was another mind blowing issue) I was all hyped on reading […]
The new Image title Witch Doctor dropped this week as the flip side of Walking Dead #85. So after reading the Walking Dead (which was another mind blowing issue) I was all hyped on reading […]
Depending on your point of view this could be the golden age of vampires in popular culture OR, as many “old school” horror fans feel, a time of a great and calamitous darkness. They feel like the elf queen Galadriel in the Lord of the Rings, that the once fun and fertile world of vampires as sexy, horrible undead monsters is slowly dying, transforming into a new age of emotional vampires with guilt and girlfriends, fueled less by hatred and more by teen angst. “I can feel it in the water,” they cry. “ I can feel it in the air.” […]
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