Happy Birthday Unca Harlan
It’s the birthday of my favorite author and FP guest many times over, Mr. (Unca) Harlan Ellison. Pick up one of his fine works today!
It’s the birthday of my favorite author and FP guest many times over, Mr. (Unca) Harlan Ellison. Pick up one of his fine works today!
The full line of Unca Harlan CDs, all six volumes, from Deep Shag Records is now in stock and I couldn’t be happier! Volume six is brand new and the only installment I had not […]
Fact: Paul Chadwick’s Concrete is one of my favorite comics. Fiction: Buying Dark Horse Presents #1 (which features an all new COLOR Concrete story) will make you as cool as me. O.K. so it may […]
J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, Amazing Spider-Man, Thor) is apparently shopping his adaptation of Unca Harlan’s “Repent, Harlequin!” Said the Tictockman as a feature film. “Since this has apparently leaked onto several film-oriented websites, I […]
If you’re unfamiliar with the man’s quite massive and exceptional body work, Harlan Ellison is one of the great writers of the last hundred years and you simply must drop everything you’re doing and seek […]
According to The Hollywood Reporter Executive Producer and showrunner Marc Guggenheim has left ABC’s FlashForward, a new borderline sciffy series I’ve been digging immensely. David Goyer, who along with Brannon Braga is co-creator of the […]
Further proving this writer’s hypothesis that damn near everyone involved in the pop arts these days wants to be associated with comics and geek culture, an onslaught of prose novelists are releasing comics in the […]
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