Zeta Gundam Build Log FINAL
After about a month of construction, it’s finally done! I have to admit, I was never one of those crazy-obsessed Zeta Gundam fans. Sure, it’s one of the best series but it’s far from perfect. […]
After about a month of construction, it’s finally done! I have to admit, I was never one of those crazy-obsessed Zeta Gundam fans. Sure, it’s one of the best series but it’s far from perfect. […]
With the Black Tri-Stars Zaku out of the way, I can finally work on a project that I’m totally dedicated to. I’m sure anybody who’s ever been some kind of artist would sympathize with the […]
Ah yes, the Master Grade Zaku version 2.0… I remember how excited everyone was for this kit five years ago. Back then I couldn’t accept the idea of a new design for the Zaku because […]
This time last year, if you told I was writing an article solely on upcoming Master Grades, I would’ve thought you were crazy… Bandai’s Master Grade line has been interesting this year, to say the […]
You know what makes this hobby absolutely toxic? When you get some kind of brilliant idea that you need to act on right away, otherwise you’re going to forget about it. Of course, I still […]
This has been quite the exciting year for new High Grade Universal Century releases! This is, of course, mostly due to Gundam Unicorn and its massive fanwank in episode 4, finally gaining us model kits […]
Ah, the Titans… you just want to hate them, but you can’t. Clearly one of the few factions in the Gundam multiverse that could actually be considered “evil”, nobody can deny the fact that the […]
Ah yes, it’s time for one of those kitbashes I’ve wanted to do for years. Back in 2008, I made a huge order from HobbyLinkJapan of old Gundam kits. I went for two Dodais, three […]
By Chris Troy SHAMELESS PLUG OF THE WEEK: From January 5-8, 2012, my ass will be at the MAGfest X (Magfest.org, which stands for Music and Games Festival) down in Maryland, and I highly encourage […]
by Christopher Troy Greetings readers! Welcome to “News from the Front”, our newest feature on the FPNYC Gundam Blog, with a title I clearly swiped from a Bad Religion song! With this new “monthly”/whenever I’m […]
Continuing my semi unexpected “break” from the review “weeks”, I’m gonna be covering another kit from the HGUC 0080 series. In addition to the few new kits made for the HGUC line, all of the kits from the original line were redone. The Rick Dom II here was the fourth 0080 HGUC, coming out right before the Mass Produced Guncannon. This kit came in two flavors-the well-known classic Rick Dom colors that the original 0080 kit came in, and was later released in the “colony attack colors” which it donned in its first appearance in the OVA. Aside from the colors, both kits are identical. […]
By Loran Welcome to part two of two of Titans week! I’d like to make this “event” go on longer but I don’t have enough stuff to continue this much longer. For the second part […]
Welcome to part one of two of Titans week! I’m going to start doing reviews with themes for the next few weeks, so you’ll see two reviews from me each week with something connecting the two together. This week I’m going to cover two mobile suits from everyone’s favorite fascist Federation police force with a really snazzy custom color scheme-the Titans! […]
by Loran When the HGUC line first started back in the summer of 1999, it kept things rather simple. Instead of covering all the main character units, fancy new OVAs, and stuff outside of the […]
By Loran Ever since Bandai started making new kits of some of their class mecha back in the nineties, builders have been looking for ways to add some of the MSV designs to the ranks. […]
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