Wonder Woman Vol. 3: The Truth – Graphic Spotlight
These DC Rebirth trade paperback collections are coming out at a nice clip! You used to have to wait an average of ten months. Now? Psh! Arriving this week is Wonder Woman Vol. 3: The […]
These DC Rebirth trade paperback collections are coming out at a nice clip! You used to have to wait an average of ten months. Now? Psh! Arriving this week is Wonder Woman Vol. 3: The […]
Wonder Woman is currently destroying the standards for a female led superhero at the box office. The momentum behind the Amazonian princess is at a peak. This week, Greg Rucka and Bilquis Evely, look to have […]
We Could All Use Some Wonder In Our Lives… Wonder Woman has been balancing two stories since it began in this DC Rebirth era. While writer Greg Rucka worked in Wonder Woman’s present-day with artist […]
This week in WONDER WOMAN #15 the next arc and best jumping on point for new readers hits our shelves with “THE TRUTH” part one. […]
Star Wars: Shattered Empire Greg Rucka, Marco Checchetto,Emilio Laiso, Angel Unzueta, Andres Mossa Marvel $16.99 I’m sure I’m not the only person who watched The Force Awakens was thought to themselves to check out the […]
Wonder Woman saved my life. When I was young (I was not little, weighing in, at my lightest, about 30 pounds heavier than I am now) I was an adopted, multi-racial, overweight child. I was […]
Those invested in this blog’s continuity (WHY?!?) , you may have recalled that I only reviewed one single issue this past week. That being said, Image, a publisher I have not shut up about at […]
Another strong week for comics, with 2 great debuts. I’m excited to talk to y’all about these books, so let’s get to it! Cyclops #1 Greg Rucka/Russell Dauterman/Chris Sotomayer Marvel $3.99 So, a lot of […]
The week of New York Comic-Con 2013 (10/7 through 10/11) is shaping up to be a dooooooozy ’round these parts, with signings and other events lined up for EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!! Yesterday I let the […]
The BEST comics weeks are the ones that you walk into the shop and realize that you can’t possibly afford to buy all the books you want. Or you could, but you shouldn’t. It usually […]
Vampires! Fairy Tales! Embattened men! All this and more as Dan Roth guides the trusty ship of Weekly Comics Releases through the stormy seas of the Christmas rush.
By some twerp (Named Dev) Imagine you were clonked on the head and you had absolute amnesia…maybe that’s too far fetched. Imagine instead that a magical woman in fishnet stockings wiped your mind to cover […]
Time to update your pull list… cause a new Punisher #1 drops Wednesday! Punisher #1 Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Marco Checchetto For Frank Castle death comes easy…life is where things gets complicated. As New York […]
In this week’s edition of the Hollywood Lot tour we have a replacement for Nicolas Cage in The Green Hornet, news on a possible Lobo star, Mark Millar, the awesome Bruce Campbell, and Julian Sands […]
Further proving this writer’s hypothesis that damn near everyone involved in the pop arts these days wants to be associated with comics and geek culture, an onslaught of prose novelists are releasing comics in the […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers