Film v. Comic Debated At Long Last
By Unkiedev Green Lantern #65 is out this week, uniting the four Earth Green Lanterns, a.k.a. Hal Jordan, Jon Stewart, Kyle Raynor and that adorable rage-a-holic Guy Gardner. Guy Gardner, for the record, is a […]
By Unkiedev Green Lantern #65 is out this week, uniting the four Earth Green Lanterns, a.k.a. Hal Jordan, Jon Stewart, Kyle Raynor and that adorable rage-a-holic Guy Gardner. Guy Gardner, for the record, is a […]
By Chris Troy I genuinely feel bad for all of you who have stuck with Brightest Day. I dropped the latest Geoff John’s Retcon-Murderporn mini-series 5 issues in, when I realized the only characters I […]
By Christopher Troy Happy New Years Forbidden Planet Faithful! Hope you rang in 2011 with style and class, or if you’re like me, with a Four Loko and Rock Band 3 with several friends. Anyway, […]
Each week we offer our customers a limited, one-day-only (new comic day, to be exact) deep discount offer on a new Graphic Novel or comic book. This week’s comic book bailout is the new issue […]
The official trailer for 2011’s Green Lantern movie was revealed earlier today and, well… um… Kilowog, Sinestro and Abin Sur look good. Let’s take a peek, shall we? CGI suit, huh? Ryan Reynolds as a […]
Holy Rainbows, Batman! In the past few years a complete spectrum of multi-hued warriors has joined DC Comics the Green Lantern for combat and tea in the outer reaches of space! KERPLOWIE! […]
R. Crumb is one of the greatest comic book artists of all time, and this might be his living masterpiece. Robert Crumbs art is incomparable, and his work here fully illustrating the Biblical book of genesis is possibly his best. Why buy this book? […]
The people behind the “I’m a Marvel, I’m a DC,” completely awesome short videos tackled the Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool and Green Lantern issue and handled it totally awesome. Like Topless Robot said: Frankly, I’m […]
I shot this idea at Jeff earlier this week of doing a Basement Tapes-like weekly column where he and I talk about this Wednesday’s comics and other comic related events the morning after. Hence, “Thursday’s […]
Okay, so maybe I could only will myself a week break from a “Shining” reference. I can’t stop myself, I’m a creature of habit. Regardless, its that time again, and that means some comics coming […]
Well, this settles this. Variety has announced that Ryan Reynolds will be playing Hal Jordan. Reynolds is a pretty good actor, I can say that having watched quite a number of his movies he’s a […]
Sometimes, I just can’t help myself when stuff like this comes down the pipe just before the weekend. Its like Hollywood intentionally plans on torturing us to deliberate and scream at each other over the […]
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