Comic Picks of the Week 2/27/19
When our cup runneth over with too many great titles in a single week, we make a breakdown of the Can’t Miss comics and graphic novels. Here are our picks for February 27, 2019. Green […]
When our cup runneth over with too many great titles in a single week, we make a breakdown of the Can’t Miss comics and graphic novels. Here are our picks for February 27, 2019. Green […]
The first issue of Grant Morrison’s Green Lantern comic tops my shopping list for this New Comic Book Day, followed by the first issue of a new Battlestar Galactica Classic series. But soooo much more […]
DC Comics takes another small step for their Earth One series this week. Since 2010 there have been only eight releases for this imprint that allows creators to reestablish the continuity of famous DC heroes […]
Going to start this article off with a quick round of the comparison game. The subject? Doing it right in terms of female statues. As you all can see there’s 2 images of statues on […]
DC has a G’nort load of April Fool’s day covers out this week, which is to say gatefold covers that reveal hidden, unexpected plot points when you unfold them. Take for example Action Comics #19…Someone […]
What’s this? An article where I can get by without talking about Square Enix releases?!? Why yes, yes it is! Of course that means returning to the old hotness, talking about comic book related merch, […]
It’s a new year. What better time to set new resolutions, try new things, and, most importantly read new comics. That’s where I come in. Other holidays have their mascosts; Santas and bunnies and…turkeys… and […]
FACT: Amazing Spider-Man celebrates Spidey’s 50th Anniversary this week! Which means a double sized issued of “Amazing Spider-Man” with multiple covers is available for sale now! FACT: Final Fantasy’s 8 protagonist Squall Leonhart birthday is […]
Things happen fast in the world of comics, and we fans are fickle friends to the trends. Before we can blink, the San Diego Comic Con is upon us, as is the much ballyhooed “Before […]
by Chris Troy And we’re back! By now you’re probably all expecting me to start creaming my pants over the 2011 Marvel Universe offerings, and this WILL happen, but let me address my other picks […]
By Chris Troy HOWDY FPNYC FAITHFUL! We are only a few short days away from New York Comic Con, and as of the time of writing, FPNYC is SOLD OUT of all passes for the […]
by Chris Troy Hey there FPNYC faithful, were you aware that Forbidden Planet has a small, yet awesome gaming section? Not of the video game variety (like there’s a shortage of Gamestops in Manhattan), but […]
By Unkiedev The nineties comic book boom (and subsequent crash) was based on two factors that are still cavorting through the forest of comics today. One is the Unicorn of variant covers, the other is […]
By Chris Troy Happy 4th of July FPNYC faithful. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be drunk by 2, bbqing and watching Battlestar Galatica on Netflix. Maybe some fireworks. I dunno, Battlestar is really good […]
By Chris Troy I’m sure by now, you, the Forbidden Planet blog reader, are dying to know what I think of the Green Lantern movie, as well as the DC Reboot this upcoming September (If […]
By Chris Troy 52 is a pretty significant number to the DC Universe. Post-“Infinite Crisis” (by Geoff Johns and ton of talented artists), there were 52 different universes established. Then there was the follow up […]
By Chris Troy Howdy Forbidden Planet faithful! As you know, this is a HUGE week for DC Comics/ Warner Bros films as “Green Lantern” opens in theaters across America. Aside from Chris Nolan’s Batman stuff, […]
By Chris Troy I’ll be honest. Aside from Diamond on the DS, I really haved played too many Pokemon games since the original red/blue for the OG, moose-killing size Gameboy (EDITOR MORGAN’s NOTE- Now I […]
EDITOR: Please run this column LAST week, Thanks. – Unkiedev HEY! I’m BACK from THE FUTURE with an AMAZING preview of NEXT week’s comic books! Let’s be clear: if you are reading this column “on […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers