Con-trived Pun for a Title
Suicide Squad #8, out NEXT week from DC, BETTER clear up these rumors I’ve been hearing about a certain demise within that team’s roster. Hopefully we’ll be seeing one of the chief stars of that […]
Suicide Squad #8, out NEXT week from DC, BETTER clear up these rumors I’ve been hearing about a certain demise within that team’s roster. Hopefully we’ll be seeing one of the chief stars of that […]
Obviously the book that is going to rush off the shelves this week is the second-to-last Full Metal Alchemist volume. That shouldn’t surprise anyone, but the excitement that’s building as the story dwindles to a […]
Because I’m secretly waiting for a talking black cat to appear and tell me that I’m actually Sailor Mars, I’ve been practicing my divination skills: the spirits tell me that the next big explosion in […]
June is really proving to be quite the month for manga collecting! Another really full week is ahead of us, fellow otaku, so loosen those purse strings and get ready for excitements such as new […]
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