Farel Dalrymple Signing September 19th
We at Forbidden Planet are super excited to a special signing with the one and only FAREL DARLYMPLE for his new book The Wrenchies. Mr. Dalrymple will be in store on Spetember 19th at six p.m. […]
We at Forbidden Planet are super excited to a special signing with the one and only FAREL DARLYMPLE for his new book The Wrenchies. Mr. Dalrymple will be in store on Spetember 19th at six p.m. […]
Come by Forbidden Planet NYC Wednesday, June 18th, and get your copy of Shackleton signed by NY Times best-selling artist Nick Bertozzi! About the book (which is GORGEOUS, by the way): Ernest Shackleton was one of […]
Even though it’s damn near the middle of February I thought the following list of Forbidden Planet NYC’s most popular, best-selling graphic novels of 2013 would be of some interest. Perhaps you’re looking for a […]
This coming Tuesday: Paul Pope’s Battling Boy FINALLY releases!!! We’ll be selling it for 25% OFF cover in-store day of release only. It’s also available for mail order at that discount as of this posting […]
Having just returned from a great work-cation at this year’s SPX (selling my comics to a comics-thirsty public and then drinking wine like a wine-thirsty Bacchus), all I can think about right now is the […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers