Getting Your PhD in Horribleness
The new Dr. Horrible TP from Dark Horse. Recommend.
The new Dr. Horrible TP from Dark Horse. Recommend.
Chances are if you’ve received a mail order from FP in the last few weeks it’s been packed and processed by our colleague Taylor White. You may also have had congress with him via email […]
Where can the average American go to see super-powered mutants save the Earth from other super-powered mutants? How about if you had a great desire for monsters combating the undead? Let us, for the sake […]
I was waiting with baited breath last night in hopes that Neil Patrick Harris’s evil counterpart, Dr. Horrible, would make an appearance at last night’s Emmys. Just as I was suspected Joss Whedon’s creation did […]
King of the Nerds Joss Whedon told MTV News that they are working on the sequel to his groundbreaking online musical series, “Dr. Horrible”. “We’re in there plugging. The writers are trying to put something […]
Sorry for this not coming on Sunday, but there was no coffee in the house and I don’t function without coffee in the house. So, spinning out of Comic Con we got quite a number […]
by Jeff Ayers There’s a special place in hell reserved for friends and relatives who, every time you have any kind of congress with them, will not shut up about how much you need to […]
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