Need I Say More? Yes.
Go to Comic Arts Brooklyn this Saturday. You’d be an idiot not to. And I mean that. I so badly wish I could be there. Small and independent publishers of comics, art, zines, and minis […]
Go to Comic Arts Brooklyn this Saturday. You’d be an idiot not to. And I mean that. I so badly wish I could be there. Small and independent publishers of comics, art, zines, and minis […]
This Wednesday at Forbidden Planet NYC we’re going to have Greg Pak (Batman, Superman, Red Skull, X-Men: Phoenix – Endsong) will be in store signing copies of his new book from Valiant, Eternal Warrior #1. This […]
In 2002 I self published a comic with some friends entitled “Robots R Cool, Zombies R Jerks” about the inevitable robot/zombie war we all know is coming and the frogs who are caught in the […]
Not only is it May and it’s 45 degrees outside and raining in New York (shivers of excitement in anticipation of cozy/anxious Twin Peaks watching later), the weather has met in complete conjunction with how […]
May 22nd marks the public release of the first issue of a wild and fascinating comic collaboration. Occupy Comics #1 will be on shelves and we at Forbidden Planet recommend everyone get it. This is […]
The comic book hits of tomorrow are written and drawn by the genius’ of today! I hope each and every one of you out there is creating your own amazing stories to thrill and entertain. […]
This Wednesday the 15th at Forbidden Planet, Allison Strejlau will be in store at 6:30 signing copies of Regular Show #1! Allison is the regular monthly artist on this new comic series based off the […]
Free comic book day is just three weeks away. Don’t miss the chance to get a big bag of comics for absolutely nothing.Put it in your date books, mark it on your calender, save it […]
The best comedians are often self-loathing, depressed freakazoids. Eric Powel, writer and artist on The Goon must HATE himself more than a Slayer fan who has run out of razor blades, because that cat is […]
It’s a new year. What better time to set new resolutions, try new things, and, most importantly read new comics. That’s where I come in. Other holidays have their mascosts; Santas and bunnies and…turkeys… and […]
Third column. I am coming out of my sophomoric slump with an all star one this week. The only problem is that the comic industry basically takes the last week of December off meaning that […]
So here we are at my second column of TRY SOMETHING NEW! already. Wasn’t too pleased with how the the first one came out, 20/20 hindsight and all, but we press on. New comics wait […]
I have been asked a few times in the past if I wanted to write something for the Weekly Planet or the Forbidden Planet blog. I always politely or at least semi-politely declined. But now […]
Regrettably artist Ivan Reis had to cancel his appearance. But Eddy Barrows is still gonna be here, so you definitely need to stop by this coming Monday, Oct 17th at 5:30 pm!
Comic books are all the rage, and tomorrow’s star of the printed page will be the next big thing on the silver screen! Yep, Hollywood money is whipping up every able-bodied creator into a creative tizzy. WHO will create the next Iron Man, Batman and Jonah Hex so that they can be watered down into unrecognizable action figure grade silhouettes of themselves for a feckless public to mass consume? […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers