Thompson’s Captain Marvel: Hero and Survivor
So far Kelly Thompson’s run with the hero Captain Marvel has been marvelous, and she ends The Last Avenger arch this week. Let’s look at Kelly Thompson’s time with one of my favorite heroes and […]
So far Kelly Thompson’s run with the hero Captain Marvel has been marvelous, and she ends The Last Avenger arch this week. Let’s look at Kelly Thompson’s time with one of my favorite heroes and […]
You can’t stop the motion of the ocean or the sun in the sky or the War of the Realms. The War of the Realms #4 Midgard is in shambles. And as each of the […]
New Agents of Atlas #1 Sindr’s forces are laying waste to Asia. It’s time for a brand new team of heroes to step up and defend the Pacific Rim. Amadeus Cho assembles a team of […]
When our cup runneth over with too many great comics to read, we like to read, we like to highlight them with a handy buyers guide for our picks of the week. Black Widow #1 […]
Earth’s Mightiest Hero. A terran Air Force Pilot with the powers of a Kree Warrior. Head of Alpha Flight, friend of the X-Men, star of an upcoming megahit film. There’s lots to know about Carol […]
Captain Marvel #6 Ruth Fletcher Gage, Christos Gage, Kris Anka, Mat Wilson Marvel $3.99 Civil War II is upon us, which means the bulks of Marvel’s books are now tying into the event for that […]
All-New Hawkeye #6 Jeff Lemire, Ramon Perez, Ian Herring Marvel $3.99 Hey it’s the finale issue of All-New Hawkeye! Again! This ending is FOR REAL though, as it’s apparently the last installment in this series […]
Captain Marvel #3 Michele Fazeka, Tara Butters, Kris Anka, Felipe Smith, Matthew Wilson, Joe Caramagna Marvel $3.99 This volume of Captain Marvel never ceases to impress me in different ways with every new issue. This month, […]
Captain Marvel #2 Michele Fazekas, Tara Butters, Kris Anka, Matt Wilson, Joe Caramagna Marvel $3.99 Come for the Captain Marvel meets Aliens premise! Stick around for Sasquatch-related romance drama! Captain Marvel #2 sees the good […]
Captain Marvel #1 Michele Fazekas, Tara Butters, Kris Anka, Matthew Wilson Marvel $3.99 The record (aka this blog shows that I am a fan of the following things: Carol Danvers, Kris Anka, Matthew Wilson, and […]
Ms Marvel #17 G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona & Ian Herring Marvel $2.99 On the left we have cover artist Kris Anka , who cover may qualify as the best thing. But while this gives us […]
Without going into details, life happened. Here’s some reviews: Secret Avengers #1 Ales Kot/Michael Walsh/Matt Wilson Marvel, $3.99 Real talk, I had trouble choosing between covers. Tradd Moore’s was awesome, but Katie Cook’s Avengers Ducks […]
I cannot even begin to tell you how HYPE I am that Warren Ellis will be signing at FPNYC in a few short weeks. That’s an insane GET, and something NYCC hasn’t even managed to […]
The European comic shop scene is weird to me you guys. Between London, Halifax and Paris, I saw no less than a dozen comics shops, some of them named Forbidden Planet even, but man, it’s […]
Toy-talk next time I swear, but for now I want to talk comics and y’all got to suffer through that first. I’ve bought a few books that warrant discussion, at FPNYC and now I’m going […]
(note: This weeks column will be structured like a Choose Your Own Adventure. If you do not understand what a Choose Your Own Adventure story is you should call your parents and ask them why they didn’t give you a better childhood.)
So here we are again. Me at my computer, drinking chocolate milk like an adult. It’s 3 AM. I had a really long day and I don’t want to get into the details. On the bright side I had dinner at a Chinese restaurant next to Peter Scolari. I also thought I recognized the guy sitting on the other side of the room but I realized after dinner that I thought it was Walter Cronkite and I am pretty sure he’s dead. So that was either not him or the craziest celebrity sighting ever. Peter Scolari isn’t dead, right? If he is, you all should check out this Chinese spot on 74th and Amsterdam. It’s like Dawn Of The Dead but with soup dumplings. Anyway, enough about me. What’s going on with you? If you are reading the newsletter in Forbidden Planet please proceed to PARAGRAPH 1. If you are reading the blog on FPNYC.com skip ahead to PARAGRAPH 2. If you are reading the newsletter somewhere outside the store please jump to PARAGRAPH 3. […]
So Baltimore Comic Con was this weekend, and truth be told, it was pretty uneventful, especially when compared to Heroescon or any of the bigger shows (SDCC, NYCC). To be fair though, BCC was an […]
By Loran I’m really starting to think I need to put more “rhythm” into my comic character collecting… I got Deadpool before any of the other X-Men, Ms. Marvel before Captain Marvel; I own Iron […]
By Chris Troy This is a very unique February for Marvel fans across the US. Comic wise, Marvel’s launching it’s .01 initiative, special $2.99 priced 1-shots that help new readers get caught up to date […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers