The other day I was about to eat a ham sandwich when I suddenly realized I wasn’t hungry. No sooner had I put the thing down that it started to talk, telling me how it […]
The other day I was about to eat a ham sandwich when I suddenly realized I wasn’t hungry. No sooner had I put the thing down that it started to talk, telling me how it […]
HUMBLE BRAG: PAX East is in a few days, which means next week I’ll have a fun little write up about the show next week. Insert your jealousy/rage/apathy/excitement here. Happy St. Paddy’s day FPNYC Faithful! […]
The reviews are in! I was told this week that my column is mostly me “talking about yourself for 2 pages and then recommending a book.” While technically that is more of a synopsis than […]
(note: This weeks column will be structured like a Choose Your Own Adventure. If you do not understand what a Choose Your Own Adventure story is you should call your parents and ask them why they didn’t give you a better childhood.)
So here we are again. Me at my computer, drinking chocolate milk like an adult. It’s 3 AM. I had a really long day and I don’t want to get into the details. On the bright side I had dinner at a Chinese restaurant next to Peter Scolari. I also thought I recognized the guy sitting on the other side of the room but I realized after dinner that I thought it was Walter Cronkite and I am pretty sure he’s dead. So that was either not him or the craziest celebrity sighting ever. Peter Scolari isn’t dead, right? If he is, you all should check out this Chinese spot on 74th and Amsterdam. It’s like Dawn Of The Dead but with soup dumplings. Anyway, enough about me. What’s going on with you? If you are reading the newsletter in Forbidden Planet please proceed to PARAGRAPH 1. If you are reading the blog on FPNYC.com skip ahead to PARAGRAPH 2. If you are reading the newsletter somewhere outside the store please jump to PARAGRAPH 3. […]
Two days before humanity faces the Rapture or enters The Supercontext or, most likely, just plain wakes up to another Friday morning (EST, Greenwich Mean Time +2:00 if you’re in Botswana… your results may vary) […]
Back from Maine suckers, you miss me? No? That’s….fair. The vacation was fun, but now I’m back, pimping out toys to the masses (and peeing myself in terror at those giant crab photos, what the […]
The Future of comic books has arrived: SUPERMAN FAMILY ADVENTURES #2, Franco (W) Art BAltazar (W/A), DC This is everything good with comics. Bizarro is going to punch Superman. Bizarro is a’gonna’ try and punch […]
The Avengers movie is AWESOME, you have to go see it right now! Well, it was alright. Actually, I kinda’ didn’t like it. I know that’s strange, I mean, the director has done such impressive work, and […]
When we last talked, “The Avengers” wasn’t in theaters, and as of today, it has made ALL the money. Well at least a billion dollars worldwide. Will this mean cheaper Marvel comics for fans and […]
FIRST SHAMELESS PLUG OF 2012!!: Hey FP Faithful, on April 15th, I’ll be out in Chicago at C2E2, speaking on a panel titled “Cosplay: What You Didn’t Want to Know and Didn’t Quite Ask”. I’ll […]
By Chris Troy The internet is a crazy place FPNYC Faithful! After checking some of my Twitter followers, it turns out Avatar Press’ co-founder Mark Seifery is following me, which is all sort of cool, […]
by Chris Troy Happy President’s Day FP Faithful! Was that wish an excuse to use an overplayed Marvel-based Abe Lincoln image? Yes, possibly, but hey, it’s the thought that counts right? Hopefully those of you […]
by Chris Troy Alright so Marvel has literally dropped the release mic this past week, unleashing a plethora of new product related to the upcoming Avengers movie (go look at that extended Super Bowl trailer […]
High fives for DC! High fives for everybody! I’m high right now, and I have the emotional maturity of a five year old! What am I high on?! THIS WEEK’S COMICS! …and rabies meds. We’re […]
by Chris Troy And we’re back! By now you’re probably all expecting me to start creaming my pants over the 2011 Marvel Universe offerings, and this WILL happen, but let me address my other picks […]
In 1995 director Lars Von Trier, tired of the special effects and genre tropes he felt were ruining cinema, created a list of rules for filmmakers to follow in order to make superior, modern artistic […]
By Chris Troy Happy post Thanksgiving/Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday (who says the holidays are commercialized) FPNYC Faithful! If you’re anything like me (which if so, I’m sorry to hear that), you probably spent most […]
by Chris Troy ::: Coughs for several minutes before vomiting up several organs of varying importance::: Once again, New York Comic Con has come and gone, this time giving me a case of the death, […]
By Loran I’m really starting to think I need to put more “rhythm” into my comic character collecting… I got Deadpool before any of the other X-Men, Ms. Marvel before Captain Marvel; I own Iron […]
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