Chris’ Comics: Saga #30
Saga #30 Fiona Staples/Brian K Vaughan Image $2.99 Hope y’all are ready for another 500 words of praise for Saga. It’s gotten to the point where it’s pointless to praise how good Fiona Staples and […]
Saga #30 Fiona Staples/Brian K Vaughan Image $2.99 Hope y’all are ready for another 500 words of praise for Saga. It’s gotten to the point where it’s pointless to praise how good Fiona Staples and […]
Saga #28 Fiona Staples/ Brian K Vaughan Image, $2.99 It’s been awhile since Saga’s crippled me emotionally. But we’re 4 issues deep into this current arc, so I guess it was due, and yes, that […]
There are currently 12 unwatched episodes of Daredevil in my Netflix queue right now, please note that I took time to write this article instead of ODing on DD. Saga #27 Fiona Staples/Biran K Vaughan […]
Saga #25 Brian K Vaughan/Fiona Staples Image $2.99 Yay, Saga‘s back, time for another comic to destroy me emotionally yet again! I kid, because as far as Saga goes, Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples […]
Harley Quinn Annual 1 Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmotti/John Timms/ Paul Mounts/Others DC $5.99 This comic stinks….literally! ::: Pats himself on the back and calls it a day for being the best. ::: Now that […]
Before I start screaming about this month’s issue of Saga, I just wanted to give y’all (all 3 of you) a head’s up with what to expect over the next few weeks. Aside from weekly […]
LAST WEEK’S LATE REVIEW: Secret Avengers #5 Ales Kot/Michael Walsh/Matthew Wilson Marvel $3.99 First and foremost, that cover is dope. Tradd Moore’s covers for this series have pretty top-notch so far, but when you toss […]
Saga Volumes 1-3 Brian K Vaughn, Fiona Staples Image $9.99-$14.99 Saga is a book I’ve mentioned on this blog roughly a million times. You’d think I’d get tired of talking about it by now, but […]
Upon writing cats on cats I realize that there’s several ways in which that can be taken. Whelp, Imma keep it, because I hope people’s mind won’t go directly to the gutter (HAH!) and more […]
A butt-ton of books dropped this past week, so let’s get down to business, yes? Black Science Rick Remender/Matteo Scalera/Dean White Image, 20 pages, $3.50 Black Science is a book I was a little concern […]
Halloween is a hell of a thing y’all, and this year’s beer and candy diet was not the best plan. Probably should have thought that one out a bit. :: snorts a crushed-up Kit-Kat bar […]
Lying Cat shirts have arrived! The Will’s trusty sidekick has been immortalized in cotton. Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples is currently Forbidden Planet NYC’s best-selling monthly semi-monthly comic book and deservedly so. […]
The reviews are in! I was told this week that my column is mostly me “talking about yourself for 2 pages and then recommending a book.” While technically that is more of a synopsis than […]
(note: This weeks column will be structured like a Choose Your Own Adventure. If you do not understand what a Choose Your Own Adventure story is you should call your parents and ask them why they didn’t give you a better childhood.)
So here we are again. Me at my computer, drinking chocolate milk like an adult. It’s 3 AM. I had a really long day and I don’t want to get into the details. On the bright side I had dinner at a Chinese restaurant next to Peter Scolari. I also thought I recognized the guy sitting on the other side of the room but I realized after dinner that I thought it was Walter Cronkite and I am pretty sure he’s dead. So that was either not him or the craziest celebrity sighting ever. Peter Scolari isn’t dead, right? If he is, you all should check out this Chinese spot on 74th and Amsterdam. It’s like Dawn Of The Dead but with soup dumplings. Anyway, enough about me. What’s going on with you? If you are reading the newsletter in Forbidden Planet please proceed to PARAGRAPH 1. If you are reading the blog on FPNYC.com skip ahead to PARAGRAPH 2. If you are reading the newsletter somewhere outside the store please jump to PARAGRAPH 3. […]
Two days before humanity faces the Rapture or enters The Supercontext or, most likely, just plain wakes up to another Friday morning (EST, Greenwich Mean Time +2:00 if you’re in Botswana… your results may vary) […]
SAGA, by Brian K. Vaughan (Y the Last Man, Ex Machina) and Fiona Staples (North 40) is one of the hottest comics of 2012 and on October 10th the first six-issue story arc is being […]
Check out this fan film for Vertigo’s wildly popular comic series Y the Last Man. This is a fan film adaptation of the Vertigo Comic Book series “Y The Last Man.” The film was shot […]
Every week we’re now offering our customers a limited, one-day-only (new comic day, to be exact) deep discount offer on a new Graphic Novel or comic book. This coming week’s selection is the final trade […]
This Wednesday the final days of Mitchell Hundred as New York City Mayor begins with Ex Machina #45. For what has been probably my favorite series since moving to Manhattan almost five years ago, Brian […]
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