PREVIEW: October 23, 2019
Amazing Mary Jane #1 As soon as Marvel announced this series, it became one of the comics I was most excited for this year. I am so excited to see Mary Jane get a solo […]
Amazing Mary Jane #1 As soon as Marvel announced this series, it became one of the comics I was most excited for this year. I am so excited to see Mary Jane get a solo […]
Three years ago I wrote a scathing opinion piece which I only published on our online blog about how Arrow was dead because they had killed off Dinah Laurel Lance aka the Black Canary on […]
Thor Ragnarok was recently released on home media and Diamond Select has some new merchandise ready to go from the film. One of their longest running lines, Marvel Select sees a brand new Thor figure from […]
DC Toys in my opinion, did not have the strongest showing at Toy Fair this year, but there were a few factors that influenced my feelings on this. This doesn’t mean I am not looking […]
By the time you read this column, I will have turned another year older. This being Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d take a brief look at famous comic book couples whom have been immortalized in […]
The Black Panther Marvel Legends wave hit a brief hiccup but have finally arrived on our shelves this week. There are also a few restocks worth mentioning as well. Here’s what’s out at the Planet […]
As we prepare to say goodbye to 2017, there’s no better time for my favorites of the year Some of this stuff is still available on our shelves, while others are long gone- my only […]
Over the weekend I attended my second Heroes and Villains Convention which mainly features guests from the CW DC TV series, though they also include Gotham and Agents of SHIELD castmembers with the occasional DC […]
DC toy fans have a few things to look out for this time around as we have gotten a restock on certain figures along with the debut of four new figures in the DC Icons […]
Hey guys- not a lot of new stuff this week at the moment. There are, however some high-ticket items coming in this week and beyond courtesy of the folks from Sideshow. Scheduled to arrive this […]
This New Comic Book Day welcome back one of DC’s premiere superhero teams! A new dawn is rising on the Justice League of America. Spinning out of the events chronicled in Justice League Vs. Suicide […]
Nightwing #3 also shipped this week, and it’s a pretty good comic that features Barbara Gordon. However, so did B&BOP #1, which offers me MUCH more to talk about. Batgirl & the Birds of Prey […]
Just a fun spread found in this week’s print issue of the Weekly Planet to commemorate the release of DC Collectibles’ Black Canary/Laurel Lance action figure. I wanted to share it here as well. Template based […]
Green Arrow #3 Benjamin Percy, Juan Ferreyra, Nate Piekos DC $2.99 As excited as I’ve been for the DC Rebirth titles, I’ve also been extremely wary of the fact that some of the titles ship […]
Way back in January, I was excited to go to the inaugural NY/NJ Heroes and Villains Fan Fest held at the Meadowlands Convention Center. I had purchased my ticket to the show on Black Friday […]
It is convention season as comic cons will begin their summer reign as soon as this weekend. MegaCon is taking place in Florida over this coming Memorial Day weekend, next weekend is Wizard World Philadelphia […]
DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO AVOID POTENTIAL ARROW/FLASH/LEGENDS OF TOMORROW SPOILERS. Hey guys- at the beginning of this season on Arrow, a mysterious death that is supposed to stick was teased on the […]
She’s here! Actually that phrase applies to a couple of items we have received over the past week and a half. I mentioned in last week’s article that we’d gotten our shipping notice for the […]
There aren’t a lot of toys coming in this week from what I’ve seen on our list, but there are a pair of statues of high interest to yours truly and they both feature my […]
Hey look, it’s 2 books that actually came out recently! Let me review them! Ms. Marvel #16 G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona, Ian Herring Marvel $2.99 Let’s get this review started by talking about how […]
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