Talking Comics with the Jersey Devil
Power STILL hasn’t been restored in my cave deep in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, but this is probably due to the fact that it never had any. I knew this was going to be […]
Power STILL hasn’t been restored in my cave deep in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, but this is probably due to the fact that it never had any. I knew this was going to be […]
Suh-weeeeeeeet Paul Pope variant cover to this week’s Before Watchmen Dr. Manhattan #1.
There is only one significant comic book being released this week, and the title is Before Watchmen: Rorschach #1. What, why and how is this a fact? Here we go: WHO IS RORSCHACH? Walter Kovacs, […]
HOLY CRAP, WE’RE MOVING APPARENTLY! There, consider that an early reminder. I’ll try to not to mention it again until after it happens and grand-opening things have been announced. Anywho, happy post 4th of July […]
I have had MANY spectacular adventures writing about comics. I have been kidnapped by merpeople, (though they prefer the term H-2 Hombres) I have been transformed into a mummy, I have even been shrunken down […]
Before Watchmen Minutemen #1, Darwyn Cooke (W/A), DC When a crime is committed, the courts attempt to find a jury comprised of impartial citizens with no knowledge of the people and the events involved to […]
It’s June and Before Watchmen, the controversial DC Comics event, kicks off this coming Wednesday with the debut of Minutemen #1. To mark the occasion Forbidden Planet NYC is offering three editions of the classic, […]
Hey guys! I know you’re psyched about Before Watchmen, and why wouldn’t you be? Prequels are great! I mean, without The Phantom Menace, we would never have met Jar Jar Binks, beloved hero of all. […]
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