I have bought some comics, also eaten wayyy too much candy.
Halloween is a hell of a thing y’all, and this year’s beer and candy diet was not the best plan. Probably should have thought that one out a bit. :: snorts a crushed-up Kit-Kat bar […]
Halloween is a hell of a thing y’all, and this year’s beer and candy diet was not the best plan. Probably should have thought that one out a bit. :: snorts a crushed-up Kit-Kat bar […]
All heat, no jokes, once again y’all! Wolverine and the X-men #37 Jason Aaron/ Giuseppe Camuncoli/ Andrew Currie Marvel, $3.99, 20 pages Chapter 9 of the Battle of Atom crossover is such a pain to […]
In case you’re new here, it’s been established that I have much love for the hometown show known as NYCC. Granted PAX East and Heroescon are probably my favorite shows, NYCC is all the HYPE […]
The European comic shop scene is weird to me you guys. Between London, Halifax and Paris, I saw no less than a dozen comics shops, some of them named Forbidden Planet even, but man, it’s […]
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