Reviews: New statues and SDCC exclusives!
By Chris Troy SHAMELESS PLUG: I wrote an article for BleedingCool covering the Capcom Fight Club from 2 weeks back. You can read it here. Happy Monday FPNYC Faithful! For the most part, NYC was […]
By Chris Troy SHAMELESS PLUG: I wrote an article for BleedingCool covering the Capcom Fight Club from 2 weeks back. You can read it here. Happy Monday FPNYC Faithful! For the most part, NYC was […]
By Unkiedev The nineties comic book boom (and subsequent crash) was based on two factors that are still cavorting through the forest of comics today. One is the Unicorn of variant covers, the other is […]
By Chris Troy Howdy Forbidden Planet faithful! As you know, this is a HUGE week for DC Comics/ Warner Bros films as “Green Lantern” opens in theaters across America. Aside from Chris Nolan’s Batman stuff, […]
HEY! Comic Book day falls on my birthday this year! Yup, your ole’ Unkiedev will be turning an undisclosed number somewhere between twenty something and some combination of 30 and a few more. How to […]
Looks like I’ll be searching through the couch cushions for change again next week. Here’s my projected pull list, I say projected cause I always end up buying more than I plan. 7 Billion Needles […]
Somebody killed all the good, fun, bright and new ideas in comic books. Is there anyone to save us? Holy Crap! A New Hellboy book?! Richard Corben, 70’s Heavy Metal Magazine favorite and erstwhile Hellboy […]
The good news is I’m no longer being held prisoner by Mermen. The bad news is I’m now being held prisoner by Magma Monsters. See, I started tunneling out of my barnacled cell using a […]
When last we rang up Mr. Isaiah Mustafa for his comics fix he intimated to us his intense desire to play Marvel badass Luke Cage in a forthcoming production. Looks like he got his wish. […]
Cripes Dangit! I’ve been swept out to sea by a freakin’ flash flood and have NO comic books to read this week. While you’re reading DC’s Action Comics #893 this week, featuring a drag-down, messed […]
Things in my cave are GREAT, thanks! I’ve taken care of that horrible bear, found a few new non-poisonous mushrooms and even got a girlfriend …although she might just be a hallucination, a side-effect from […]
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