Phantasmagorical Fantasy
June is really proving to be quite the month for manga collecting! Another really full week is ahead of us, fellow otaku, so loosen those purse strings and get ready for excitements such as new […]
June is really proving to be quite the month for manga collecting! Another really full week is ahead of us, fellow otaku, so loosen those purse strings and get ready for excitements such as new […]
by Shannon H. The manga gods (aka Japan) have bestowed upon us some pretty badass titles this week. There is a new volume of the Neon Genesis Evangelion: Raising Shinji Ikari project to help satiate […]
By Mat K. If anyone has met me in the last 6 months you may be aware that I adore Florence & The Machine, and you may recognize the title of this week’s article as […]
Jeez, I cannot believe this month. Last week all we get was one manga, and this week? Nothing. Well, okay there is one single item coming at us from TokyoPop, but I’m not sure if it can even be considered manga. And not for the usual reasons I don’t count half the stuff coming from TokyoPop as manga, this is going to be TokyoPop’s first legitimate single-issue comic book. Here’s the deal. You all love and remember Priest by Min-Woo Hyung (which technically makes it manhwa in the first place, but let’s not nit pick). Well coming out this week is the official comic for the upcoming Priest movie “Priest: Purgatory” that’s going to be starring Paul Bettany (Silas from The Da Vinci Code and the voice of Jarvis in Iron Man). Basically, A veil of evil threatens to engulf humanity, and one man stands in the way of the apocalypse: our hero, a fallen priest who sold his soul for the power to battle evil and fight for humanity’s redemption. […]
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