Epic Anime Beatdown
From time to time I travel to anime conventions. While they are fun for anyone who is into this sort of thing there are some things you have to watch out for. I don’t just […]
From time to time I travel to anime conventions. While they are fun for anyone who is into this sort of thing there are some things you have to watch out for. I don’t just […]
Junji Ito’s wild horror manga Gyo is getting the anime treatment and I’m squirming with excitement! Up until fairly recent I was only vaguely familiar with Ito’s work, mostly from the live action adaptation of […]
Viz Media’s Detroit Metal City is like nothing you’ve seen before. I remember when the first volume came out. I knew nothing of the book, but as a Heavy Metal fan myself, I was instantly […]
I feel like I really ought to stop opening my mouth, because 2 weeks ago I was sounding so hopeful for a flush of new releases, and then last week we had only five. This […]
Every once in awhile, a kit comes a long that I just have to have, and I honestly can’t explain why. It has nothing to do with the design itself, or the engineering or anything of the sort. It just calls to me. And that’s why I love this monster. […]
Otakon 2010 came and went, and it was a decent year, to say the least. Not as good as previous years, but passable, nonetheless. Of course, what I’m here to talk about is the model contest, and thanks to the presence of the BAKUC prelims, it was one of the biggest I’d ever seen. Unfortunately I couldn’t get any pictures of the entire table on Saturday thanks to some a-hole pulling the fire alarm. It went off RIGHT as my friend and I were checking on the progress of the judging. Arg. […]
When we last left off, it was time to build the arms and legs for the Unicorn. There’s no set length of time it take for me to usually build the limbs, as construction and painting usually factors in to that. […]
At first glance, as you run down our new release manga section on our website, the week looks interesting but with a couple exceptions (like Detroit Metal City Volume 4), overall not too exciting. But then you get to the bottom of the list and you have to blink twice because your eyes can’t quite make sense out of what you think you’re seeing. Stephanie Meyer has invaded the manga shelves! That’s right, the Twilight Manga Volume 1 has arrived. Now the cover merely states “Twilight The Graphic Novel”, though distributor listings actually say “Twilight Manga”. And the adaptation is done by Young Kim, which would technically make it manhwa anyway, but I digress. I know this comes as good news to many Twilight fans out there. You finally get to see your precious Edward in manga form. And I will say this, the cover art doesn’t look terrible. I suppose I’m just glad that Shakespere and the Bible made it to manga form before Twilight did. […]
FP Transmissions, now featuring Emma Larson and Lindsay Johnson, having lost they damn minds and talking Manga.
With things like Genshiken 2, Kujibiki Unbalance, Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino, Death Note: Re Light and *cough* Shippuden *cough*, it seems that anime producers have run into the same rut as Hollywood in the way of rehashing things that have already been done. And while many of you are waiting for the new Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, or the new Neon Genesis movies (which as neat as they may be are essentially going to sum up the series), they just seem to further my point. Where is the bizarre creativity and fresh concepts and conceptions that endeared anime culture to us Westerners in the first place? Let’s face it, it’s getting a little boring out there. […]
If you found the last two weeks of insane releases a tad hard on the wallet, you will be thrilled this week, there are less than ten titles showing up. Don’t get me wrong this week makes up for it in quality. It seems to be the kind of week for all those manga that regular people (ie: not otaku) read, Oishinbo Volume 6, Black Jack Volume 8, Pluto Volume 6, Vagabond Volume 30, and while those are all well and amazing, there is also Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 21, which came out really quickly this time around, Case Closed Volume 32 comes around, and Gurren Lagann Volume 3 is here. Like I said, it’s a pretty awesome week right? […]
I know all you loyal Shibuya-Cho readers out there look forward to the weekly manga and anime updates, but this week something special came up, and being the guy upstairs, I felt this time we needed to share the love…and article space. […]
By Mat K. Okay, all of you who keep up with me and my rants and reviews, remember the other week when I was going on about how 20th Century Boys has been falling behind […]
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