Troy’s Toys But With Comics: Secret Avengers #15
Hey gang you know what’s cool? Allergies that lead into in nasal infection. Which really knocks the wind out of your sails. But I’ve over it, and giving you an review that should have been […]
Hey gang you know what’s cool? Allergies that lead into in nasal infection. Which really knocks the wind out of your sails. But I’ve over it, and giving you an review that should have been […]
I would read a book called Secret Criminals FYI. Secret Avengers #12 Ales Kot/Michael Walsh/Matthew Wilson Marvel/$3.99 Secret Avengers #12 can be best described as “Nextwave meets True Detective“, which is the best description for […]
Happy Turkey Day weekend. Assuming you weren’t trampled on Friday via stampeding crowds looking for hot dealz. ODY-C #1 Matt Fraction/Christian Ward Image $3.99 OY-C is a comic that….I…um….that is to say… :: Stares at […]
Hey FPNYC faithful, before we go into this week’s round of reviews, I just wanted to point out that The Wicked + The Divine #5 also dropped this past Wednesday and it is super great. […]
Before I start screaming about this month’s issue of Saga, I just wanted to give y’all (all 3 of you) a head’s up with what to expect over the next few weeks. Aside from weekly […]
On October 1st Forbbidden Planet is pleased to once again have Mr. Ales Kot (Secret Avengers, Zero) as our in-store creator guest to sign copies of his brand new comic from Marvel- Bucky Barnes: Winter […]
Hey today’s my birthday! Totally not relevant to anything we’re going to discuss tonight, except for like 1 gag, but you can wish me a happy birthday in the comments section if you dare! Secret […]
I could easily talk about the new issue of Hawkeye in 500+ words. But I won’t because this was a damn fine week for comics, and the other books that I pulled are also worth […]
LAST WEEK’S LATE REVIEW: Secret Avengers #5 Ales Kot/Michael Walsh/Matthew Wilson Marvel $3.99 First and foremost, that cover is dope. Tradd Moore’s covers for this series have pretty top-notch so far, but when you toss […]
Hey gang, sorry for the late of updates since Year Zero, but between Special Edition NYC and Heroescon (and the best BBQ), I haven’t been near a keyboard in awhile. Hopefully I’ll be all caught […]
NOTE: In addition to the books I’m taking a look at this week, I also picked up the second issue of Boom’s Lumberjanes. It’a great book, but real life hasn’t given me much time to […]
This review is a little late because I just got back from Boston. Well not just, more like got home, slept for forever, played with my cat and had coffee first, then got to writing. […]
Frank Barbiere (Five Ghosts) & Toby Cypress (The Tourist) will be on hand to sign the 1st issue of their brand new Dark Horse series THE WHITE SUITS. Ales Kot (Secret Avengers) will also be […]
The week of New York Comic-Con 2013 (10/7 through 10/11) is shaping up to be a dooooooozy ’round these parts, with signings and other events lined up for EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!! Yesterday I let the […]
There’s a lot of good comics this week. I know you want to buy the same old ones you always buy because they feel safe and comfortable. I get that. I’m not gonna tell you […]
May 22nd marks the public release of the first issue of a wild and fascinating comic collaboration. Occupy Comics #1 will be on shelves and we at Forbidden Planet recommend everyone get it. This is […]
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