Alan Moore Reads, You Listen
Hey guys! I know you’re psyched about Before Watchmen, and why wouldn’t you be? Prequels are great! I mean, without The Phantom Menace, we would never have met Jar Jar Binks, beloved hero of all. […]
Hey guys! I know you’re psyched about Before Watchmen, and why wouldn’t you be? Prequels are great! I mean, without The Phantom Menace, we would never have met Jar Jar Binks, beloved hero of all. […]
I had a whole column planned this week about “The Complete History of Earwigs in Comics,” but as my agent pointed out, emphatically and with much passion, “Readers don’t like earwigs.” There’s no accounting for […]
Statistics is fun, let’s try some. 100% of you are reading this sentence….see how that works? 75% of those reading this sentence comprise 3/4ths of my readership. 12% are dying for a drop of 100 […]
By Unkiedev The internet, Comic Book’s hotter, younger brother, is flapping its gums all over the place about a reported (and only rumored) Watchmen prequel comic book series to be published at DC helmed by […]
With the New York Comic Con behind us, what do we have to fill the thermos of our fickle attention spans? How about some choice graphic novels from this weeks new comics! DUCK TALES: RIGHTFUL […]
By Chris Troy It’s a good week to be a nerd, FPNYC faithful! Captain America is kicking ass in theaters (stay after the credits btw, the teaser for the next big Marvel movie is amazing!), […]
Three DC books out this week can sum up where the comic book industry started, where it went and where it is going. To whit: Justice League of America #58, Brightest Day Aftermath #1 of […]
What a week for insanely violent comic madness. It’s as if Satan himself came up from hell and packed our shelves with his favorite stuff. Avatar publishing has been at the top of their gruesome […]
By Unkiedev This week the biggest star in the planetarium of comic books is Spawn #200. I think there are more variant covers to this book than there are original partners in Image. So what […]
Mars rover Spirit’s tracks on its way to “Columbia Hills” in 2004 Video: The movie may be a steaming pile of poop, but The making of Tron Legacy (or how to make Jeff Bridges 28 […]
Understanding the cryptic lexicon of comic book jargon can be like trying to rock a rhyme that is right on time, which is to say it can be tricky. Tricky. Tricky, (tricky) tricky (tricky.) […]
The 2008 Zach Snyder film “Watchmen” was an almost page by page adaptation of one of the greatest graphic novels of all time. Its minor omissions and additions to Alan Moore’s ground-breaking work were to […]
Umbrella Academy vol 02: Dallas TP– A fractured team gets thrust into new adventure involving a plot to kill JFK. An FP bestseller, The Umbrella Academy maintains the vibrant cool of volume one with Dallas […]
More from that Mania.com, interview where I last excerpted a bit Mr. Moore’s thoughts on the Marvelman situation. This time, the legendary author takes DC to cause on their epic miniseries, Blackest Night. To say […]
The question I’ve been wanting to know with regards to Marvelman has been answered, but with some not so great news. Marvel will be reprinting the original Marvelman adventures written by Moore, but in completely […]
Further proving this writer’s hypothesis that damn near everyone involved in the pop arts these days wants to be associated with comics and geek culture, an onslaught of prose novelists are releasing comics in the […]
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