Peter(r) Bonavita and Alex Robinson of The Star Wars Minute, the daily podcast in which they discuss, dissect and humorously analyze EVERY single minute of The Holy Trilogy, are up to minutes 86-90 of The Empire Strikes Back and, wouldn’tcha know it, yours truly is their guest for the next week.
Minute 86 was posted this morning and can be listened to here. A new minute will appear every day through Friday (though you should definitely stick with the show and devour the archives… they had some terrific guest stars for Star Wars, and have followed that up with an even more impressive call sheet for Empire. Come to think of it- why the hell did they call me?!).
Episode 86 contains only ONE super duper cringe-inducing stupidhead remark from me- Lando apparently is not directly from Corellia, but rather Socorro, a planet colonized by Corellians.