The much anticipated 250th issue of Spawn finally releases tomorrow and to celebrate the occasion Forbidden Planet’s giving YOU a chance to win a FREE Spawn Resurrection poster signed by Todd McFarlane, Jon Boy and Brian Wood!
What you gotta do to enter:
Come to Forbidden Planet on Wednesday 2/4/15, tweet at us (@FPNYC) or tag us on Instagram (#forbiddenplanetnyc) a picture of you in the shop with a copy of Spawn #250 and you’re entered into a drawing to win this:
It’s that simple, albeit only open to those of you who can make it to the shop tomorrow. Creativity won’t increase your chances of winning, but come on, this is for posterity. (My idea? A pic of you buying the book from a ridiculously good-looking cashier!)
One random winner will be picked at 9am on Thursday (2/5/15) morning. Good luck!!!
Please note: This is a promotional poster for Spawn Resurrection #1, that will not feature the originally planned creative team. Also, this poster is by no means Near Mint. Truthfully, it was handled by our supplier rather poorly. It will be presented to the winner in the condition we received it.
But hey, it’s FREE!