There are some comics that transcend the medium. They elevate storytelling past your expectations. Tom King has made a habit of doing this in the last couple of years. I’m referring to The Vision and Mister Miracle. Two books about characters without strong followings but became critical darlings and must-reads. Another series that turned expectations on its head was The Flintstones from scribe Mark Russell. That title became one of the most biting and daring of 2017. I daresay that his follow up, Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles #1 might just be such a series. Yes, the title is way too long. But the story is focused, sharp, and nail biting. I suspect this one’s going to receive raves.
It’s 1953. While the United States is locked in a nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union, the gay Southern playwright known as Snagglepuss is the toast of Broadway. But success has made him a target. As he plans for his next hit play, Snagglepuss becomes the focus of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. And when powerful forces align to purge show business of its most subversive voices, no one is safe!
To reimagine a cult character from another era like Snagglepuss is risky. To say the least. Then, use such a vehicle to explore themes relevant to your everyday life. Examine battles for decency, freedom of speech, expression, and the arts itself that are still being fought now. Make the book intellectually challenging, character-driven, and give it an historical setting. This might just be the definition of risk in today’s comic book climate. Will there be an audience for such a series? I hope so. Still, these sorts of titles have rarely supported terrific sales. Critical darlings are not always commercial hits. And this book is self-aware enough to understand the challenge that lays ahead. Which makes its all the braver.
Every day that you come into your local comic shop you’re asked to make a choice with your dollars. This week, the best choice you can make is to pick up Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles #1. Not only is it a great comic, it deserves and will earn your support.
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