Ladies and Gentlemen, the greatest sci-fi noir in the history of comics returns to print this week. The greatest work in the careers of one of the best teams in the industry is once again at your fingertips. Sleeper Book One brings another chance for all of you, Dear Readers, to discover what greatness in comics means. This isn’t just a must-read, this is the must-read story. Every itch you can have scratched will be satisfied with this new collection. Good and Evil will be forgotten. The line between hero and villain erased completely. All that matters is living, if that’s what you call it when you can’t feel anything anymore.
Holden Carver is the greatest creation from the minds of Ed Brubaker, Colin Wilson, and Sean Phillips. Their achievement with Sleeper is has and will continue to stand the test of time. When it comes to the tenets of storytelling, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better example. But first, let me set the scene. From the days of the landmark WildStorm universe, Gifter is investigating the attempted murder of his friend John Lynch. Meanwhile, Holden Carver, a man who can no longer feel pain but has the gift to pass it onto others, has been placed as an undercover operative in an international terrorist organization called TAO. As Holden and Grifter cross paths, cooler heads will not prevail. With Lynch off the board, will Carver give in to his doubts that he’s crossed the line from man of the law to criminal?
When everything you believed in is thrown into question what answers will you grasp at? When there’s no difference between fighting for the good guys or doing the bidding of the bad guys, which side will you choose? And man are those choices harder to make when you’re feeling trapped inside your own body, a body that literally feels nothing of the outside world. Sleeper Book One introduces you to a rich underworld featuring shades of grey. When the chips are down, who will you bet on?
Collects POINT BLANK #1-5, SLEEPER #1-12.
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