That is certainly a good thing. From consulting on the “Iron Man 2” movie, to being nominated for an Eisner for his work on “Invincible Iron Man” it now surfaces that Matt Fraction is writing the video game version of Jon Favreau’s film. The trailer premiered at Comic Con.
Along with this bit of news, comics rumormonger Rich Johnston claims that Fraction will be taking on the Thor event titled “Dark Siege.”
I’ve just learnt that, as the title of this piece states, that the upcoming Marvel Thor event will be called Dark Seige, in line with Marvel’s ongoing Dark Reign event, and will be written by the X-Men’s Matt Fraction, currently writing a Dark Reign crossover with New Avengers, Utopia.
UPDATE: Brian Bendis writes “I love when rich is wrong!!!”
Why so negative, Brian? That I’m wrong is very possibly true. That you take pleasure in said wrongness is, well, I don’t know what it is. Any suggestions?
Regardless, I certainly support this idea.
Comic writers tackling comics?!? Grant Morrison “wrote” a PS2 Battlestar Galactica game. One of the hardest games I’ve ever played, and a lotta fun actually, but that’s probably the easiest dough he ever made.
What, you mean I just hafta fill in the gaps between ‘splosions? Maybe a coupla corny lines of dialogue in the cut scenes? There’s a sweet gig right there! Where’s my check?
Hopefully this isn’t another case of comic talent being used to legitimize a genre-related money generator. Hopefully it’s a chance for Mr. fraction to create something different, something visionary for a high-profile project … but I doubt it.