SPECTACLE THEATER • 124 South 3rd Street • Brooklyn, NY 11211
$25 Full Day Passes • $5 Individual Films • Visit Spectacle to purchase

Noon – Last Man on Earth (dir. Ubaldo Regola, 1964)
1:30pm – Brother from Another Planet (dir. John Sayles, 1984)
3:30pm – Kamillions (dir. Mike B. Anderson, 1990)
5:30pm – Mold (dir. Neil Meschino, 2010) [Presented courtesy of Neil Meschino]
7:30pm – Bad Taste (dir. Peter Jackson, 1987)
9:30pm – The Wizard of Speed and Time (dir. Mike Jittlov, 1988) [Presented courtesy of Mike Jittlov]
Midnight – Class of Nuke Em High (dir. Richard W. Haines/Samuel Weil, 1986) [Presented courtesy of Troma Entertainment]

Limited number of full days passes available for $25. Individual films – $5.
Tickets available during normal theater hours.

email: with any questions
(poster/passes/tickets designed by Greg Beck

Last Man on Earth (a/k/a: L’ultimo uomo della Terra)
dir. Ubaldo Regola
86 mins, Italy, 1964

The year is 1968 and a virus has all but wiped out the Earth’s population. Every day Robert Morgan (Vincent Price!) drudges on – gathering weapons, keeping these undead, bloodsucking monsters from his doorstep. Having lost his wife and daughter to the plague, Morgan is alone and immune to the disease. While out on his daily rounds, he comes in contact with a mysterious and sickly woman named Ruth (Franca Bettoia). Ruth is infected but, along with a group of others like her, in in treatment. As time runs out, will Morgan be able to find a cure for this terrible plague? Can the group of survivors be trusted or will the plague take them over as well?

Based on THE OMEGA MAN by Richard Matheson, this bleak vision of future’s past is considered by many to be some of Vincent Price’s finest work. Also, the film was cited by George Romero as the basis for his film NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. Initially the film was not well received but has since become a classic of the genre and has been re-made numerous times. Matheson was not a fan of the adaptation while Price regarded it as one of his favorite roles.

Brother From Another Planet
dir. John Sayles
104 mins, USA, 1984

A three-toed alien slave (Joe Morton) on the run from “another planet” crashes in Harlem and tries to blend in while fleeing the Men In Black (David Strathairn & John Sayles) who are also aliens attempting to bring him back to their own world. While unable to communicate through speech, The Brother has telekinetic powers and moves around the city just trying to feel at home.

Sayles directed, edited, wrote, composed, and co-stars in this comedy drama. Featuring a snapshot of NY past, the film stands up remarkably well. Morton would go on to a slew of TV and film roles. Also, look for an appearance from Fisher Stevens on the subway!

Kamillions (a/k/a: The Wingates)
dir. Mike B. Anderson
90 mins, USA, 1990

Nathaniel Wingate (co-writer/producer Harry S. Robbins), professor at the Miskatonic University, has finally opened the door to another dimension. Unfortunately, it happens to be the same night as his 50th birthday celebration. In the craziness of preparation and guests arriving two horseshoe crab-like creatures make their way through the portal – one good and one evil. These shape-shifting creatures take the forms of a buxom blonde model (from a poster in Sam Wingate’s room) and a distant relative – Count Desmond of Liechtenstein. Hilarity and calamity ensue as the Wingate family deals with these uninvited guests.

From director Mike B. Anderson (Alone in the T-Shirt Zone, The Simpsons) comes this rare Lovecraftian comedy that lives somewhere in between BEETLEJUICE, Cronenberg’s THE FLY, TERORVISION, and MEET THE HOLLOWHEADS. Plenty of laffs, practical effects (model work, makeup, stop motion, and more), and fantastic character actors in this RARELY screened lost gem. Shot on 35mm but relegated the VHS market after being poorly marketed. Spectacle is proud to include this film as part of our first sci-fi marathon.

dir. Neil Meschino
90 mins, USA, 2010
Presented courtesy of the filmmaker.

It’s 1984 and Reagan’s War on Drugs has reached it’s frenzied height. Inside a secret lab, scientist and government officials meet to discuss a new, highly potent strain of mold – called Stachybotrys Morte – that is to be deployed on the coca plants of Columbia. When the situation in the lab becomes compromised and sabotage is the only possible explanation, can this team find a way out before they’re infected with this powerful strain?

Meschino’s debut feature (filmed in Long Island) deftly toes the line between sci-fi nightmare and parody. While some reviews paint images of early Henelotter (and that’s not entirely unfoudned) MOLD! sits firmly in the realm of melt-movies like STREET TRASH and SLIME CITY. Meschino makes great use of limited space and budget by pulling great performances out of a cast of unknowns and some pretty effective special effects. With a host of references – everything  from ROBIN HOOD to BACK TO THE FUTURE, MOLD! knows it’s audience and plays it up proper.

Featuring an intro and Q&A from director Neil Meschino.

Bad Taste
dir. Peter Jackson
91 mins, New Zealand, 1987

When aliens invade a small New Zealand village and begin to harvest humans for their fast-food chain, a team of paramilitary troops go up against the the seemingly insatiable appetites of these intergalactic chow-hounds.

One of the first films from Peter Jackson, made on the weekends over the course of four years and starring Jackson and his friends in multiple roles. Made on a shoestring budget totaling $25,000. All of the makeup effects were made at home by Jackson  in his parents oven.

The Wizard of Speed and Time
dir. Mike Jittlov
95 mins, USA, 1989
Presented courtesy of the filmmaker.

A special effects wizard (Mike Jittlov) is trying hard to make his dream of working on a feature film come true. Sadly, he finds himself facing not only a mountain a monetary challenges but also the threat of being ground up in the gears of the Hollywood system. With the help of his friends, and a little movie magic, can Mike makes his dream come true or will the heinous executives betting on his failure real the reward?

Based on the 16mm short from ten years earlier, TWOSAT is an updated version of Mike Jittlov’s manic vision. All at once a love letter to the magic of cinema and an icy glare at the evils of the inner workings of Hollywood. A showcase of every type of special effect, with exceptional long-form stop motion sequences, Jittlov makes use of the budget and time in ways that seems almost unimaginable. One of our favorite films, it is truly an honor to be able to present this phenomenal work.

Class of Nuke Em High (a/k/a: Atomic High School)
dir. Richard W. Haines & Samuel Weil
86 mins, USA, 1986
Presented courtesy of Troma Entertainment

Class of Nuke’Em High, the timeless classic of readin’, writin’ and radiation, is available for the first time ever in this unrated Director’s Cut. When first released in theaters in 1986, Class of Nuke’Em High became an instant sensation. Its unique blend of horror and humor was cheered by audiences and celebrated by critics. The film spawned two sequels and legions of fans. At Tromaville High School, located a stone’s throw from the local Nuclear Power Plant, the students are getting brighter. In fact, they’re beginning to develop a Troma-green glow. Innocent students mutate into sex-crazed psychos, the Honor Society’s turned into carnivorous, kinky cretins, and the slimy monster stalking the hallways isn’t the principal! The Director’s Cut of Class of Nuke ‘Em High has been lovingly restored by co-director Lloyd Kaufman (who developed the film during detention) and the Troma Team.

Presented by the fine folks at Troma, this event mark the first in a series of collaborations between Troma and Spectacle. Starting in April, Spectacle will play host to a monthly midnight featuring lesser known and rare films not available on DVD. Stay tuned for more details!

About Matt Desiderio 273 Articles
Matt D has been a manager, buyer and event coordinator at Forbidden Planet since 2005 or maybe it was 2006. Who can remember? We didn't even have computers back then. A native New Yorker from the borough of Queens, raised on Sunday Funnies, Monster Movies and Rock N' Roll. What better place to end up than Forbidden Planet where he can use his position to influence the city's pop culture. A responsibility he takes seriously more now than ever due to New York's consistent change for the worse. The last thing NYC needs is another cafe or bank so thank whatever it is you believe in that Forbidden Planet is here to stay. Beyond the walls of FP, Matt is a publicly recognized expert in cult and horror cinema with a focus on VHS. He is the founder of Horror Boobs a collective that books screenings and distributes weirdo films, the producer of the documentary Adjust Your Tracking: The Untold Story of the VHS collector, the publisher of the Blood Video zine, and is regrettably responsible for resurrecting the career of schizophrenic Shot-on Video director Carl J Sukenick. E-mail him at Follow him on various social media at @horrorboobs