The following originally ran in the Weekly Planet 10/17/18.
I’m sorry. Those are just the rules. I didn’t invent this ridiculous scenario in which your not reading Marvel’s phenomenal RUNAWAYS series means that all comics are cancelled forever, but I am sadly the one that has to report it. You have to read RUNAWAYS. But let me explain briefly why that’s going to rule.
For the uninitiated, the Runaways are a super group of teens who left home after they learned their parents were supervillains. Their ranks included Nico, a spellcaster who can only use a given spell once; Gert, the smartest person in the room with a telepathic link to a dinosaur; a young mutant named Princess Powerful; the teenage son of Ultron… and more! The stories were sweet and resonate, the characters were impossible not to fall in love with, and it all just felt like a private little corner of the Marvel universe that was much loved but little discussed. There are many who would say RUANWAYS was the book that got them into the wonderful world of comics.
Created by Brian K. Vaughn, the Runaways enjoyed a nice long run before disappearing. They’d pop up now and again, like when Nico and Chase were subjected to the Avengers Arena. But it wasn’t enough. Fans clamored for an adaptation or a revitalization. And late last year, after many years of pleading, they got both.
To coincide with their Hulu debut, Marvel brought back RUNAWAYS with a new ongoing. And it is phenomenal. It reteams our beloved cast of characters after they were so long out of the spotlight. And though they may have grown and changed, what we loved about reading RUNAWAYS in the first place has remained exactly the same.
Writer Rainbow Rowell (Fangirl, Carry On) has made a stunning comics debut. If all first comics were near this good, it would be a beautiful world indeed. Rowell crafts a book that is hilarious, engaging, inventive, and kind. Her grasp on the voices of these beloved characters is pitch perfect. Fans of the old RUNAWAYS should have no fear of diving in here.
One could hardly ask for a better artist on this book than Kris Anka (Star-Lord, Uncanny X-Men). Every issue of RUNAWAYS is an absolute stunner. I’m not one to pay much attention to clothes, but Anka’s eye for detail and loving hand make every panel a proper fashion show. Anka’s covers and panels are showstoppers in equal measure. I cannot wait for you to see what lies in this book.
I know you’ll read RUNAWAYS now because you don’t want comics to stop existing, but I also know you’ll have a hell of a time. RUNAWAYS VOLUME 2 – BEST FRIENDS FOREVER is on shelves right now. Save comics. Read RUNAWAYS.
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