Remember the series Runways? Remember the young plucky writer from the “IT” book of the early 2000’s who penned his way into our hearts? You know, Brian K. Freakin’ Vaughan! Yeah, the brainchild from the scribe of such massive hits like Y: The Last Man and Saga makes a triumphant return just in time for the live action series on Hulu to debut with Runaways #1. The original team has grown up some and gone in different directions, but with so much nostalgia in the air these days, a chain of events is about to bring the team back together.
I admit that I came to the series later on when the first adventures were collected. I resisted for a while because I acted like a snob. Everybody was raving about it, so it must have been seriously overhyped, right? Like, if everybody says something is the best thing ever (like Saga) they must be drinking the Kool-Aid, correct? Turns out, the hype was pretty freaking real. After a stint with Joss Whedon, a disastrous storyline overseen by scribe Terry Moore, and disbanding, Marvel is bringing the core back together for fresh adventures. Why? Because a TV show is about to air.
Now, that’s not a knock on Marvel. In an industry where nothing is sacred and cross-promotion is essential to building a brand, having a comic book series to capitalize on a television product makes all the sense in the world. Marvel just did this by relaunching The Defenders with a cast to match the Netflix show. They did it with a bit of success, too. And hey, if the book’s good, then the book’s good and readers are the winner. Will the book be good? That is the question we’ll have to get an answer to this week when Runaways #1 appears on shelves.
Rainbow Rowell (whose name sounds like a comic book character) makers her Marvel debut with Kris Anka on art duties. Will this new duo be able to follow in the steps of the giants before them? Will Runaways return to glory and must-read status? I’m not going to be late to the party this time. Care to join me?
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