FP is pleased to announce our signing with Jorg Tittel next Saturday for his book “Ricky Rouse Has A Gun.” Jorg will be here at five to sign copies so make sure to get down here.
This Wednesday the 15th at Forbidden Planet, Allison Strejlau will be in store at 6:30 signing copies of Regular Show #1! Allison is the regular monthly artist on this new comic series based off the […]
Magnetic Releasing and Forbidden Planet NYC are offering you a chance to win a FREE BluRay copy of this acclaimed film via our Twitter feed! Chad McKnight, Brianne Davis and Michael Ironside star in the […]
Leslie Nielsen, star of Forbidden Planet, among his many iconic roles, has passed away at age 84 (February 11, 1926 – November 28, 2010). We wish him farewell on his final voyage.