Mike Carey/Salvador Larroca
Marvel’s renewed focus on the original graphic novel is a creative decision I approve of. Mixing A-list creators with some of their biggest properties is a smart move, especially when they release them around the same times as their big summer movie drops. That’s some solid synergy right there.
Released around the same time as the excellent X-Men Days of Future Past film, X-Men: No Humans has Marvel’s mutants finding themselves in a world with no humans (hence the title). The splintered X-Men (#Cyclopswasright) are forced to work together to get to the source to the disappearances. Said disappearances are tied to Raze, the son of Wolverine and Mystique who’s come from the future to-wait come back here, it’s not as complex as it all sounds!
Unlike the previously released Avengers and Spider-Man OGNs, No More Humans is DEEP in X-continuity, taking place shortly after the Trial of Jean Grey arc (All New X-Men) and return of Nightcrawler (Amazing X-men) story arcs. To the story’s credit, the book is packaged with a digital copy of last year’s Battle of the Atom crossover, which helps explains most of the current status quo.
No More Humans sees creators Mike Carey and Salvador Larrocca return to the X-Universe proper and for the most part, it’s a welcome returned. LaRocca’s art is great, clean, bright and perfect for the story being told. Even with several of the characters appearing in newer costumes, the more legendary X-men characters still look very iconic. Keep in mind, the last time I’ve read an X-Book with Salvador’s art, everyone was wearing jackets with sunglasses or leather jackets. X-Treme X-Men was a weird book kids.
Mike Carey is another welcomed return, although the reveal of the reason all non-mutants/mutates disappearing is kind of weak in my opinion. That being said, Carey’s dialogue and pacing is perfect, as the X-Men, their allies, and enemies all sound “like they suppose to”. I know that’s a bit of a cliché when it comes to comic book reviews, but considering these OGNs are supposed to appeal to the Barnes and Noble crowd as well as Forbidden Planet faithful, it helps that it’s accessible. Both hardcore X-Men and new/returning fans can get something out of it. Also it’s nice to see Carey get to play with characters like Cyclops, Emma Frost, Beat, Jean Grey, Storm and Wolverine, instead of being “stuck” with 2nd tier X-Men like he was with his X-men Legacy run ( which was great by the way, despite the presence of Gambit).
The only disservice Marvel does with this book is pointing out that it’s the first all new original graphic novel since the legendary “God loves, Man Kills”. While No More Humans is good, that book is a classic that outclasses this story and really defines that X-Men. That being said, No More Humans is a fun read with beautiful visuals and a fun mystery. Your enjoyment just may vary with it depending on how into the current crop of X-Men books you are.