Not only rest in peace, Senator Kennedy, but also rest in peace: my wallet. It died today while buying comics.
First off, its the final issue of Rex Mundi Arvid Nelson’s Holy Grail epic started this journey long before Dan Brown’s exceptionally poorly written “The Da Vinci Code” started all the hubbub. And this one is exceptionally smart, and if you don’t believe that, shortly after this post we’ll have an interview with Arvid talking about the end of what had to be one of the smartest series in years.
From DC Comics today, we have the second printing of Batman and Robin #2 just so you can catch up on the fresh Batman and Robin #3. I mean, if you missed the second issue of this series you probably missed one of the best coordinated fight scenes I’ve seen in comics in a long time, and also one of the most honest moments in comics between Dick Grayson and Alfred. That issue just sang, and it looks like Morrison and Quitely are continuing the trend that started in All-Star Superman and is continuing with this series.
More coming out from DC Comics is Kevin Smith’s new Batman book, The Widening Gyre, Geoff Johns comes with more Blackest Night in Green Lantern, and finally the newest issue of the delayed rebirth of Barry Allen in The Flash: Rebirth #4. Then we also have Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams’, completely 100% the best book produced from DC, Detective Comics.
From Image Comics, we have the premiere of Brendan Graham’s King City #1. In case you didn’t know, this was originally a Tokypop production, I don’t read alot of manga, but I was blown away by the ingenuity behind the original.
Marvel gives us the debut issue of new Fantastic Four team, Jonathan Hickman (Secret Warriors) and Dale Eaglesham (Justice Society of America) . I’ve been looking forward to this issue since New York Comic Con. Also we have a new issue of Hickman’s stellar Secret Warriors. Finally, we have Part 5 of the Uncanny X-Men/Dark Avengers crossover, Utopia, by Matt Fraction and Luke Ross. It just shows that Fraction is capable of short form epics in Utopia rather than the up to NINE PARTS in “World’s Most Wanted” in Invincible Iron Man.
Boom Studios also has the hardcover for the forthcoming Diablo Cody movie Jennifer’s Body starring Megan Fox. The book is written by uber-talented Rick Spears with art by Nikki Cook, Jim Mahfood, and many others.
So, I think that should sufficiently destroy my ability to pay the rent on time.