When our cup runneth over with too many great comics to read, we like to read, we like to highlight them with a handy buyers guide for our picks of the week.
Black Widow #1
Her first ongoing title in years. The first chance we’ve had to dig in with Natasha since her unfortunate demise in Secret Empire. The world’s greatest superspy is back and more vengeful than ever. Marvel’s most exciting #1 since their last one.
Life of Captain Marvel TP
This stunning graphic novel dives deep into the life of Earth’s Mightiest Hero. Carol Danvers’ past and future are both determined in one of last year’s biggest surprises. The perfect intro to Cap if you’ve never read her and want to get pumped up for that movie.
Batwoman Volume 3 – Fall of the House of Kane
A thrilling race around the world is on the horizon for the DC Universe’s newest star. Another excellent trade from an underrated series.
TMNT: Shredder in Hell #1
I haven’t picked up a Ninja Turtles book in… well, ever. But a miniseries about Shredder walking through Hell… FINE. YOU WIN, TURTLES.
Uncanny X-Men #10
The end of the triumphant return of the flagship X-Men title. “Diassembled” is over. Which X-Men will be left standing?
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