“The Oz Effect” part four in this week’s Action Comics #990 continues as Superman’s family will be tempted with paradise at the expense of their home. Mr. Oz (or Jor-El if you want to use his given name) has failed thus far to turn his son, Superman to his side and abandon Earth. See, as far as Daddy Dearest is concerned, the planet has grown too dangerous and irredeemable than when he first sent baby Kal-El to it. But Supes, at his core, believes that there is always hope. So, despite several arranged attempts by Jor-El to show that humanity is beyond salvation, the Man of Steel is solid in his resolve. Who’s left to gain leverage for Jor-El? Why, there’s his grandson…
With Superboy now seemingly tempted by the promise a world with kids like him and being reunited with his grandfather, will this be the bargaining chip Jor-El needs to gain Superman’s allegiance? Will the Man of Tomorrow be able to convince his son that there’s a nobler way and that the world is worth saving? And what looming strings will segue into the epic Doomsday Clock For Superman next month? This latest arc has ramped up the personal stakes for the Kent family in new ways. As we head into the final stretch, will the creative team be able to deliver?
The pair of Superman titles have continued to be above and beyond in the DC Rebirth era than anything produced during the New 52 years. And this story has stayed the course on creating the best type of conflict by exploring the impact on the Kent family and not just on Big Blue’s muscles. Dan Jurgens has been crafting a run in Action Comics to rival his earlier time with these characters decades ago. With so many big stories so close at hand, a crescendo of wonderful storytelling is building for fans Superman. Keep reading.
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