I can’t tell you how pumped I am for Eli Roth today, but I wanted to take a moment and say how pumped I am to get my hands on a Quentin Tarantino script.
I’m a bit of a collector of such things. I live down the street from the MET and there is always that vendor in front of the museum selling copies of screenplays. I have copies of personal favorites like The Big Lebowski and The Usual Suspects but not a Tarantino script. I feel like I’m not actually a collector of screenplays until I have a Tarantino script. I’m pumped to meet Roth, because I hear he’s a cool guy and his Hostel films are deliciously violent affairs, but considering this summer has been such a sad sack of really terrible summer movies (the only good ones I’ve seen this summer are District 9 and The Brothers Bloom), I think Basterds is the last chance for a genuine quality summer movie. When I say summer movie, I mean fun, and face it: while Tarantino really hasn’t had a movie of the caliber of his early work, he does know how to make enjoyable, fun summer movies.
So, with today’s signing from 4-5pm, I hope I get the chance to talk to Roth about working with Tarantino and hopefully have some photos and some quotes.
Keep it locked here for post signing discussion, and make sure you get in line early to meet the director of Hostel.