Ninjak is a badass character! A master spy with the cool tech and ingenuity of Batman mixed with the cavalier spyfare of James Bond, and he looks like a cooler Iron Fist. Plus, not as many moral scruples as some of those so-called “heroes.” A complex enigma that thinks twenty steps ahead and always has a comeback, this character is slicing into a new series this week. In it, the man beneath the mask known as Colin King will learn that Her Majesty’s Secret Service has in fact been keeping secrets from him and now those secrets are hunting him in Ninja-K #1.
Christos Gage is no newcomer to comics or to gritty pulpy action. One of the most consistent creators out there, he is setting his sights on a character who fits his style perfectly. Tomas Giorello launched the newest X-O Manowar series with the visionary Matt Kindt earlier this year. With bold storytelling chops, he’s going to cut loose on the action in this thriller. A more exciting team for a tantalizing character would be tough to come by.
MI-6 has honed a ruthlessly effective, top-secret division – THE NINJA PROGRAMME. Tasked as the first and last line of defense for queen and country, this small shadow army of agents and assassins has produced a succession of notable assets, from NINJA-A, the Queen’s silent weapon of World War I to most recently NINJA-K, aka Colin King. But now…an unknown enemy is hunting and killing members of THE NINJA PROGRAMME one by one – and Ninjak is next on the list.
Ninjak is one of those characters you may have seen images of and made excuses not to pick up even though he looks cool as heck. And he is one of the coolest characters in comics. To ignore this series is to do a disservice to your Buy Pile. With juicy character-driven action, a fun mystery, and an emotionally complex protagonist, there’s no reason based on quality to let this one pass you buy.
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