by Christopher Troy
Greeting Forbidden Planet Faithful (and should you not like Faithful, how are you guys feeling about Planeteers? No? Alright then.) ! It’s now December, and that means we’re now in Holiday time ground zero. Time to whip out your credit cards and stand in line for stuff that’s going to be covered in dust 6 months later!
Usually at this time of the year bloggers will suggest what kind of cool gifts you should be buying for your loved one and friends. And really, the nerve of them. They don’t know your friends and loved ones that well do they? I bet they don’t. Therefore I’ll write about a person I do know well and am certain what I’ll list said person will want for Christmas-myself. Think of this as a really cool preview of stuff we’ll be getting in soon (hopefully), and you’ll have to fight me for once it reaches the shelf.
For the most part, I prefer Revoltechs over Figmas because the former makes Mecha and Sci-Fi toys, while the later usually makes schoolgirls. However Figma’s December is looking pretty awesome, as we’re getting a Figma version of Evangelion 2.0’s Makinami Mari Illustrious and from Persona 3 (and Fes/3 Portable) Aegis (which is a re-release of a figure we stocked earlier in the year) and Metis. Aside from the Persona 3 kick I’ve been on as of late, both Aegis and Metis are awesome looking figures with game accurate sculpts and accessories/alternative limbs and face, a great range of pose ability that Figma is know for and clear, sturdy, poseable bases. Also worth noting is that Metis also comes with Koromaru, the Persona using dog. That’s an instant-buy in my book. Anywo, expect these 2 to go around $35-$40 when we have them in stock/
And wasn’t I just signing the praises of the Revoltech Mari a few months ago. And why this version, versus say the new Prototype Mari that we have in stock from Revoltech. Both figures are great, don’t get me wrong, but the Figma version comes packaged with a Cockpit. That’s super near. That and the sculpt is slightly better, as are the joints. Also one Mari can stay at my work desk, and the other on my PC desk. EVERYONE WINS!
FACT: DeathScythe Hell was the coolest looking Gundam from G Wing. I refuse to hear otherwise, so don’t try to argue that point. So a new Deathscythe kit on the 1/100th scale is a severe do want on my X-mas list this year. Granted it’s a variation of the Endless Waltz design and not the Hell version, it looks cool as…well, hell, so I’ll take it. And according to several sources, we’re getting Deathscythe Hell Custom in the Master Grade line come 2011, so it’s a very good time to be a Gundam fan with some disposable income. IE me. The kit goes for about $50-55, and should be on our shelves any day now, if not already.
Confession: I didnt pick up any of the Mass Effect games until this summer, because I clearly things that are good. This of course has been resolved, as I’ve since beaten the original and and about 20 hours into Mass Effect 2. I’m a big fan of the universe, and DC Direct is (in theory) there for me as they’re releasing their first wave of figures this month (originally slated to come out back in October). 2 lines have been announced so far and I’ve already trying to figure out where to put them on my work desk.
That concludes the list of things that I want that don’t have the words “Jack Daniels” in it. Again most of these figures should be out this month, with the exception of Deathscythe who’s out now. All new releases come out on Wednesday, so start checking with the store every Wednesday to see what came in!