This week New Mutants: Dead Souls #1 comes out this week launching a new mini-series for this fan-favorite X-team. Personally, I cannot be more excited for the creative team of Matthew Rosenberg and Adam Gorham being on the same project. Add to that a deep roster of beloved and oddball mutants who are starting things off fighting zombies. What more can you ask for than Magik decapitating the undead? Or Strong Guy cuddling a kitten? Rictor and Wolfsbane and Boom-Boom bickering like siblings over who’s stupider? You want more? You’re a greater glutton than Blob! Except, you’re going to get it with this team, both the fictional and creative ones.
Yes, it’s sad news that the New Mutants film has been pushed back to 2019. The gossip is that the current cut didn’t test super great and the filmmakers want to make it scarier. Hey, that bites. I mean, really, people have been waiting decades for this film. Now, what comes with new movies? New comics. The good news for us is that we still get an exciting new New Mutants book out of this whole shebang. Now, what’s it all about?
Apparently, these superheroes are going to be tackling more supernatural sectors of the Marvel Universe. Their mission? Okay, I can’t tell you everything because that’s ruining the fun surprises of this first issue. As mentioned above there are zombies though! These people with powers will be sent on missions that no else might be qualified for. Only their leader, Magik seems to have all the details. The problem with a leader who keeps all the information to herself? Trust issues are bound to bubble over. What you do need to know is that they’re on the hunt. And sacrifices may be required to get what they need.
One of the greatest aspects of New Mutants’ legacy is their status as the underdogs. Get ready for threats that can tear them apart right out of the gate. And if you make the mistake of thinking everyone will make it out alive, you should freshen up on your history. Get ready for a helluva ride that starts in New Mutants: Dead Souls #1.
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