Here’s a a simple listing of personally recommended or otherwise notable new stuff available at Forbidden Planet NYC in-store and online for the week of 9/16/15.
Batman Arkham Knight Action Figure – DC Collectibles
After a long delay (the other figures from this first wave of Arkham Knight figures have been out for months) we finally receive the game’s big big baddie. Don’t blow his identity to me- I haven’t played it yet!
Batman HC Vol 07 Endgame – Scott Snyder (w), Greg Capullo (a)
The Joker is back in these stories from BATMAN #35-40! For years, The Joker has regarded Batman with a sick, twisted love. But now, the Clown Prince of Crime is done playing. He’s going to kill Batman. And he’s going to do it using those whom Batman loves the most: the Justice League. The Joker returns to Gotham City with a deadlier agenda than ever before, using every tool at his disposal to finally kill the Dark Knight. That includes turning Batman’s allies against him in the bloodiest brawl that he’s ever had to survive.
One of the most anticipated, exciting and buzzed-about Bat-storylines in years.
Invader Zim #3 – Eric Trueheart (w), Aaron Alexovich (a)
An ancient secret, a four-hoofed legend, and a plot to kick all life off the earth. Now ZIM will stop at nothing to summon the awesome, mulish power of… The Star Donkey!
Sex Criminals #12 – Matt Fraction (w), Chio Zdarsky (a)
Suzie and Jon continue the worst recruitment plan in the history of entertaining second-act montage sequences. Getting the band together never had so many fluids.
Books I haven’t read yet but caught my eye and will be giving a try as soon as I can: Butterfly HC, No Mercy, D4VE2 #1.
And there you have it. A very bare bones listing as I have to get off my butt and go to work at FP. Ben Marra signing tonight. Perhaps we’ll see each other there and you can hip me on to anything I may have missed or I can hip you onto something I may have forgotten to list above.
Also, I’ll be at Brooklyn Book Festival this coming Sunday (9/20) selling books on behalf of panelists. Come say hi!