There are approximately five hundred new comics that come out every single month. That’s not an exaggeration. FIVE HUNDRED! And you know what arguably is the best, month in and month out, for almost half a year? Mister Miracle. Heck, most of you reading this have probably never read a solo Mister Miracle comic before. Show of hands, how many of you just remember him from the Justice League cartoon? Yes, I can see if you’re raising your hand! Don’t change the subject. And the matter of fact that we’re dealing with is the galaxy’s greatest escape artist has the most compelling story being told today. And now, we’ve reach his final night in Mister Miracle #5.
How would you spend your last night on Earth? For Scott Free (and any other person fortunate enough to have his relationship status) it’s with the one you love, Big Barda herself! Seriously, DC Comics, can we get a flippin’ Big Barda mini-series at least? Come on! Sentenced to execution on New Genesis, Scott and Barda go on one last date together. And after the heartbreaking final moments of last issue, we’re all going to need some tissues by our side.
Of course, this is comics, so a big part of me doubts we’re going to see a straightforward dinner and movie kind of evening with Mr. and Mrs. Barda. And especially if our titular character is infected by Darkseid, there’s got to be some dark force awaiting them, right? I mean, whose date goes as planned anyways? And we’re expected to think this one will? Thus, we must endure for the wait for a little while longer. Then, answers will be revealed and probably more questions, too. What’s certain is that Mister Miracle maybe the master of escape but he’s trapped the attention of all who are reading his series.
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