Tournament-ready, 75 card (60 each, with 15 card sideboards) Event Decks from Magic the Gathering’s red-hot new set Avacyn Restored are in stock NOW!!!
Jeff Ayers is a NYC native and the General Manager of Forbidden Planet where he has worked since 1995. Email links, stories, news, tips, gossip, secrets of the universe to: Follow him on Twitter (@jeffayers and @fpnyc) or find him on Facebook using the link below.
Here’s a rundown of the deals Forbidden Planet NYC is offering today: Batman Arkham Asylum… The original Morrison/McKean classic! ($18) $7.99 George Romero’s Empire o/t Dead Act One Tp… ($20) $6.99 Hedge Knight Game of […]
Suicide Squad #8, out NEXT week from DC, BETTER clear up these rumors I’ve been hearing about a certain demise within that team’s roster. Hopefully we’ll be seeing one of the chief stars of that […]
Drama! Controversy! Comics! Dramictroversy! Dan goes over the latest and greatest comics in this week’s haul, plus the bru-ha-ha surrounding Kevin Keller‘s nuptials! If you’d like to show your support for comic that provide realistic […]