The new issue of Lunchmeat is now available at Forbidden Planet, in store and on the web! If you don’t know Lunchmeat than you don’t know VHS. The first and only all VHS magazine! So grab Lunchmeat #6 now!
We’ve stacked the slimy slices o’ cinema high in LM # 6 serving up in-depth reviews of hard-to-find VHS-only flicks such as Blue Blood, America’s Deadliest Home Video, Rockula, and Desert Snow along with a slew of other blood-encrusted video vittles to chew on! Also skulking around in this issue we’ve got an interview with Daniel Roebuck where he spills his guts about his experience working on Penelope Spheeris’ cult-classic punk rock road flick Dudes! Director extraordinaire Gene Quintano gives us the skinny on how 3D films pounced on audiences across the world in the early 80s, and Lunchmeat is absolutely thrilled to present an interview with cult cinema hero George Stover as he details the history of one of the most amazing fanzines you may have never heard of: CINEMACABRE!
Also on the menu for LM # 6, we’ve got Heather Drain expounding on the cavorting and carnality soaked teen sex comedies of the home video era and, as always, we’re serving up Rob Hauschild’s dumpster diving dish: Tapes from the Trash Bin! Still hungry?! That’s what we like to hear!
For all you voracious Videovores out there we’ll take you for a weird and wild ride in the LM time-machine as we explore the sprawling and screwy history of Interactive VHS Gaming! Oh, and did we mention the crossword puzzle where you can win prizes? ‘Cause you know that’s in there, too! Try your might and snatch some groovy prizes from The Crossword Troll’s grimy fingers! What other toothsome treats await you in Lunchmeat # 6? Guess you’ll have to grab one, before it grabs you! Hooooo-Haaaah!!