Fascinating. Science writer Lee Billings has been guest blogging for BoingBoing this week, dissecting NASA’s big Kepler news and exploring other exoplanetary pursuits.
Man this is gonna suck, OR, All my dreams torn asunder… The first images from the forthcoming feature film of Kerouac’s classic On the Roadhave been released. It stars such noted thespians as Twilght’s Kristen Stewart and TRON Legacy’s Garrett Hedlund as Dean Moriarty/Neal Cassady. Egads. I’ve not seen Control, the Ian Curtis biopic, nor anything else Sam Riley’s been in so I’ll reserve judgment on the casting of the Kerouac stand-in Sal Paradise for now.
Here’s hoping Gareth Edwards handles Godzilla more like the giant monster movie we’re clamoring for than his previous foray, Monsters, which was overrated to say the least. Lost in Translation meets Cloverfield, posing as brainy SF and blind to both films’ strengths.
Jeff Ayers is a NYC native and the General Manager of Forbidden Planet where he has worked since 1995. Email links, stories, news, tips, gossip, secrets of the universe to: jeff@fpnyc.com Follow him on Twitter (@jeffayers and @fpnyc) or find him on Facebook using the link below.
New TRON Legacy footage premiered at Comic-Con this morning!!! Pretty rad, huh? More footage was reportedly shown at the panel, but this represents what’s officially been released to the web. It’s enough, though, as there’s […]
by Chris Troy If I had a clever intro, this is where it would go. Please take note of this To the left of these words is a picture of a figure of New Orleans […]
I’ll cool it with the TRON posts soon. Promise. These gorgeous prints from Mondo went on sale today, but were sold out in mere minutes. FP still has some stock left on what’s sure to […]