- Coming soon: Battlestar Galactica MMO. Slated to be a browser-based space strategy game, offered exclusively on syfy.com for its first 30 days, this is being developed by obscure (and relatively unproven) Norwegian developer Artplant– which leads one to assume their app (or bid) wowed the Bigs behind such a high-profile and expensive license.
- Comic Book Resources has an exclusive preview of next week’s big release, Siege #3.
- Tor Books is offering 200 free copies of Cory Doctorow’s next YA novel For the Win to video gamers under 19 years old to review. Says Cory:
If you’re under 19 and want a free early look at the book for review on your blog/paper/whatever, send a note with your address to torpublicity@tor.com with “FTW” for the subject-line. Also include the name of your blog or school paper. For fun, also share a game you enjoyed recently and why.
We did this with Little Brother a couple years back, on the grounds that books for young people should be available for young reviewers to write about, rather than just adult reviewers who try to figure out whether young people will enjoy them. It was a real success and I’m happy to be repeating it.
- And because I think it’s effin’ funny that I could probably start my own Tron blog at this point (“Daily Recognizer” anyone? Or how about “Bits?”), Disney is renting a Hollywood billboard (Santa Monica and Westwood) through December 2010 and posting new teaser images from Legacy every six weeks. Here’s yesterday’s, the third poster (click to enlarge and bask in its total radness):