MANY many many thanks to everyone who made last night’s Adventure Time Encyclopaedia celebration at Forbidden Planet so special. So sorry we had to cap the line and turn some folks away, but I’d like to think the hundreds of attendees who met the AT crew here last night walked away happy as all get-out.
Jeff Ayers is a NYC native and the General Manager of Forbidden Planet where he has worked since 1995. Email links, stories, news, tips, gossip, secrets of the universe to: Follow him on Twitter (@jeffayers and @fpnyc) or find him on Facebook using the link below.
San Diego Comic Con is going down, and I am not there, but in hot-ass Brooklyn instead. Part of me is jealous of the dozen or so people I know who are in attendance, but […]
HOLY CRAP, WE’RE MOVING APPARENTLY! There, consider that an early reminder. I’ll try to not to mention it again until after it happens and grand-opening things have been announced. Anywho, happy post 4th of July […]
Valen’s Day is coming up, and for those of you still stuck for a gift for the geek in your life (and for those of you interested in Forbidden Planet sales… stalkers) here’s a quick […]
Under cover, there they are—brilliant, talented and knowing they can take your breath away.
It was fantastic meeting Martin, Olivia and everyone else that evening! He made my boy very happy, and I shall never forget it.