A few thoughts about Kick-Ass, which I saw last evening at a special showing that featured a Q&A with Messrs. Millar an Romita Jr. thanks to our friends at UGO.
- Brutal as all hell, funny as all heck. This film’s gonna be big.
- Looooved Nic Cage’s performance. In fact, all the players were great. But Cage’s Big Daddy was a standout. He even affects Adam West’s mannerisms when in costume. Well done.
- Expect TONS of Hit Girl costumes next Halloween.
- The movie follows the comics verbatim in places while taking liberties in others to work on screen. They become separate entities, so don’t go in thinking the film will be a shot for shot adaptation. Think Lord of the Rings. It works.
- I’m sure the folks at Atomic Comics are swell, but the shop is NOT in New York City. Don’t look for it. Stop by FP instead.
- Go see it.
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